
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 07:16:11
根据首字母填空: 1.I have some eggs for b______ 2.They eat lots of f____,like apples and bananas 不能说的秘密翻译成英文是什么? 不能说的秘密用英语怎么翻译? 英语翻译周杰伦的电影"不能说的秘密"里面钢琴谱上的英文"follow the notes upon the journey,the first sight marks one destiny,once the voyage come to an end,return lies within hasty keys.这个话的意思谁能帮翻译一下. 不能说的秘密 用英文怎么翻译? for lunch ,i eat rice,meat,and [v ]and some other food 括号里填什么 I would like some rice for lunch同义句 ___they___(have)lunch at school?Yes.What___they___(have) for lunch?They often___(eat)some rice. 我将会去接你用英语怎么说 for lunch I eat some fishfor lunch 不是介词短语吗怎么不倒装? 请问,我要接个电话,用英语怎么说,谢谢 外接光驱用英语怎么说?电脑里的 "接"用英语怎么说?比如说接过东西 括号里应添什么:4.the man is ( ) .he speak English vety well. man in the mirror英文歌词最好是排版好的(紧密型的,不空行的那种) 英语改错 寻求正确答案 1.Is there anybody who speak english?2.where is the man was here just now?3.who is the man that are reading a book over there?4.The building which stand on the other side of the rive is a hospital.5.There are the most she would like some rice to eat改同义句 she __ sshe would like some rice to eat改同义句 she __ some rice to eat “下午一点”英语怎么翻译 有好的饮食用英语怎么说初三词组哦 罗曼罗兰的写的名人传里的贝多芬传的主要内容是什么百字左右 最多200字 你还在这里和可不可以 翻译成英文分别是? have they some friends old怎么组句还有两道:please back to go seat your和look you beautiful very and funny she looks 在这里只能说英语 翻译成英语!, I have some ___at school.(friend) 急请“等会来接你”用英语怎么说? “我是男儿当自强”的英文翻译 男儿当自强怎麼翻译英语. 英语翻译直译感觉很别扭能不能有比较好的翻译 英语翻译注意,谷歌Strength of Men.雅虎When the son strives to improve.用谷歌和雅虎的翻译,是不准确的. 你能尽快给你父母写信吗?翻译:Can you__ __ your parents soon? 北京市我国的政治和文化中心,请举例说明他的城市地位. 你可以要求你的父母给你提点建议 You could___your parents___ ___ ____