
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:56:45
关于 ON 的短语有那些越多越好! What time---you___(love)Beijing for Shanghai the day after tomorrow?I---(leave)at 10 a.m. I'm very tired these days.What should I do Relax at home for two days,andthen you'll get _____(good)请告诉我为什么 no matter where you go ,i will miss 英语短语中什么时候用with,什么时候用to,什么时候用for……等等一些后面跟的东西,有的话谁给总结下,还有就是,固定的“一般介词后动词加什么形式”,诸如此类的给总结一下.注:需要简单易 在英语中不同的短语句子中for.with.在什么情况下呀加to(每个意思最少3个)在英语中不同的短语句子中for.with.在什么情况下呀加to(每个意思最少3个 Mika的《blame it on the girls》的前奏,就是mika的那段独白,有没有人知道,给我英文就行. What time are you going to leave for the ___ tomorrow? Madame Curie ,for ____(whom/which) life had once been very hard ,was successful later Madame Curie,______life had once been very hard,was given two Nobel Prizes.Of whom B for whom Helen Keller,for__ life had once been very sad,was successful later.填whom还是whose 原 Chaplin,for (whom) life had once been very hard,directed a film about life in an American factory.括号中为什么是whom. they need _____ some keys to their teacher.(take)动词的适当形式填空.请说明理由 I'm not sure whether this is the room ______ she left her dictionary.A.where B.that C.which D.in that回答加解释. 我梦中,在很粗的树干上,从根部往上全是彩色的蝴蝶花蝴蝶.这棵树像是在云雾缭绕中,树干颜色很光鲜,远离尘俗不受污染的那种,像是松树.不知道意味着什么.呵呵,大家唠叨唠叨. Mr.Green,for ____life had once been very hard,donated his possessions to the sonw-hit families.A whose B which C whom D what为什么啊 Mr Green ,for__life had once been very hard ,donated his possessions to the poor in his fiftiesAwhose Bwhich C whom Dwhat能将主句从句拆开讲一下吗谢谢 1、Mr Green asked us to stop ____. So we stopped___to him at once.A. talking; listening B.to talk; listening C.talking; to listen(选择一个答案,并说出本题内的只是点,也就是为什么选择这个选、)知识点、 anywhere you go ,I will follow where you go出自哪里? Anywhere you go I will follow where you 用break the ice写一篇英语作文,急 Now that I'm only working part time,I have a hard time making___meet.A.handsB.armsC.endsD.days这题答案选C.是个固定用法吗? At that time life is very hard fou her这句话有没有错误? The tain will start from shanghai to beijing at eight tomorrow.(保持原句意思)The train will _____ ______ from Shanghai to Beijing at eight tomorrow. To Break the The day when i meeet you ,The day you burst into my heart remember this day ,pm .my If one day ,you could walk into my heartIf one day ,you could walk into my heart ,you would cry ,Because my heart is full of you!If one day,I could walk into you heart ,I could cry as well ,Because I am not in you heart! Jenny does not know where _______ on National Day 为什么选A to go Jenny does not know where __on National Day.A.to go B.going C.goes D.will go 求一篇有关house的英语作文 when TOM meets with a difficult maths problem,he always burries his head in the sand.这句话的always后那些单词,根据句子的含义,