
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 06:57:12
耳提面命是什么意思 [D40] ______ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.A.That B.Which C.As D.What 请翻译,并分析. 耳提面命什么意思?耳提面命什么意思? 2.______ parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.A.That B.What C.Whether D.Where 3.______ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader.A.That B.What C.Whether D.Where我觉得是A “耳提面命”是什么意思?急需 help!give me two reasons why "TV and movies have more positive effects on children's behavior" 耳提面命的意思是什么 耳提面命 意思? 请给一下六级详细的试卷雷同标准 if i were invited tonight ,i would go to the dinner party 为什么用 WERE这句话为什么是IF I WERE而不是 IF I WAS The soldiers would not give in though were captured.为什么were不能省略呢?让步状语从句中主语和主句主需要详细解析 哥伦布的心情十分沉重其中沉重的近义词是什么? what are you brother doing?这句话对吗?需要改成is吗 classic cocktails oriental classic是什么意思 自考英语英译汉怎么复习啊,课文A后面有两组句子翻译的联系,是背第一个练习里面的句子还是第二个练习里面句子啊?还有单词都背哪些啊?是课后单词全要背下来吗?谁能告诉我怎么复习这些 各种职业的称呼是什么?如:老师-园丁、医生-白衣天使、老师-蜡烛 还有那些?多说几个,要说出是什么职业的什么称呼格式:职业-称呼 Don't smoking就是像这样子的句式 no talking ..之类的叫什么句子,然后什么时候用NO 什么时候用DON'T OR NOT Can you giveme___more water,please? 有什么好听的english classic song?在60-90年代好听的欧美流行乐. Classic English proverb哪位高手帮我把这词译成英文-经典英文谚语, i don' really know who she__________with?用hang out的恰当时态填空 作文《成长因为有你》700字,与青春期叛逆有关 为什么称护士为“白衣天使”、“永远的白衣战士”? 护士为什么叫白衣天使? How did nescafe special filtre decafeine是什么意思 Nestle,Nescafe,Nestea这三个有什么关系呢?是不是第一个是雀巢的名字,后面是它的产品雀巢咖啡和雀巢冰爽茶的名字啊. Creamy Moisturizing是啥意思? How do Iknow?They give me a "high-five". NESTLE与NESCAFE有何区别 Have you had dinner?