
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 13:52:19
Who is repairing the bike?主动语态变被动语态 Who invented the computer?句子改为被动语态 Who invented the alarm clock 改为被动语态 1/2cos2x-1/2sin2x怎么就变成二分之根号二cos(2x+π/4) 要得y=根号下2sin(2x+π/4)的图像可以讲函数y=根号下2sin2x的图像 1/2sin2x+1/2cos2x 怎么变成 √2/2sin〔2x+π/4〕 一筐苹果有96个,要求平均分成若干堆,不准亦剩余,有多少种分法?其中分成偶数堆的分法有几种?我现在就要! f(x)=2sin2x-2sin(2x+3分之π)等于多少? 一筐苹果有96个,要求平均分成若干堆,不准有剩余,有多少种分法?其中分成偶数堆的分法有几种?速度啊!要过程 一筐苹果有96个,要求平均分成若干堆,不准亦剩余,有多少种分法?其中分成偶数堆的分法有几种? 下列函数导数等于1/2sin2x的是A.2x-1/4cosˆ2xB.2x+1/2sinˆ2xC.1/2sinˆ2xD.x-1/2cosˆx每个选项的详解 如何理解中国近代史既是一部屈辱史,又是一部抗争史,探索史? 英语 We drink a lot of soft drink.改成否定句 根号6(x+1)=根号7(x - 1)6(x+1)^2=7(x-1)^2 x^2-26x+1=0 (x-13)^2-168=0 x-13=2√42或 x-13=-2√42 x=2√42+13或=-2√42+13(舍) 为什么-2根号42+13要舍去? 如果0<x<1,且x^1/2+x^-1/2=根号6,那么x^3/2-x^-3/2等于什么?要有过如果0<x<1,且x^1/2+x^-1/2=根号6,那么x^3/2-x^-3/2等于什么? I`ve got to have a drink of hot tea 这个是什么时态 圆C1:x^2+y^2-2y=0与圆C2:x^2+y^2-(2√3)x-1=0的公切线 兔年春节小报内容 同义句i found it was interesting to drink tea in the teahouse.i found ()() to drink tea in the teahouse. Whether it is friendship or love,you come,I hug.You go,I can let go. I'm Wonder …I…Whether or not your 若圆(x-a)^2+(y-b)^2=b^2+1始终平分圆(x+1)^2+(y+1)^2=4的周长.求a,b应满足的关系式 举例的举得意思1.提出2.推选3.全4.向上抬 举一而反三,闻一而知十 的意思 举一而反三,闻一而知十.是什么意思?出处? the tea is too hot to drink ,but i am thirsty wait填空 三献具举,九旗将旋.的具体意思是什么如题 this is too The tea is very hot.And we can't drink it.(保持愿意) The tea is ___ ___ ___ ___ us ___ ___. The soup is too hot( ) us to drink.添介词 “Don't you think this colour is too light?”A.yes.i agree B.yes.but i don't think soC.yes.of course not D.yes.what's wrong? 已知圆C1:(x+1)^2+(y-1)^2=1,圆C2与圆C1关于x-y-1=0对称,求C2