
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 14:26:18
What will happen in the future? this is tom ,it is ( )penA.black his B.his a black C.his black D.a his 选择 阅读回答问题 Tony has a pet.She's a cat.Her name's Kitty.She has a long tail and two small ears.She sleeps all and goes out at night.Her eyes are beautiful.One is green adn the other is blue.She likes fish and milk.She doesn't like dogs and My fur is white or black.My eyes are red.My ears are long.My tail is short. What do you think will happen to the tower in the future?Will it be safe?求回答急. 将下列字母或单词按读音分类bag,desk,egg,apple,c,evening,Amy,Ben,D,B,name开音节:开音节:闭音节:闭音节: I am big I am gray My nose is long My tail is short Who am 的意思 it_a short tail a.has b.have 用a p w c o i t y h d m u y r t t l e e o a m o p组成六个单词,再用此六个单词组成一个问句. 急:请高手帮我儿子取个英文名请英文高手帮忙我儿取个英文名,要大气爽朗、叫起来顺口又好记,呵呵.中文名:徐璨羽先谢过! 请帮忙给我儿子取英文名字,他的中文名字叫张桐菲, 想帮儿子取个有意思的英文名,最好是S开头,其他字母开头如果好听有意义也行! 我想给儿子取个英文名,儿子名叫韦华轩,新历7月,农历6月出生,麻烦各位给点意见,我想好三个英文名:simom,parco,benny不知有什么寓意,希望有见识之士再给多几个我选择,我想要个和中文名同音 帮我儿子取个英文名好吗?我儿子两岁多了,我的英文水平不太高,想不出什么好名字,我儿子姓尚, 用以下字母组成一句话(任一个单词都可以用下面的字母) l y g a a n n d m a e i I have got a dog.It's yellow.It's very fat.It's got two big black eyes and a short tail.It's likes playing.Look!It's playing with a ball. My body looks like a wall.I have four strong legs and a short tail,too. 用his have填空 My mother ( ) a new bicycle.Mark ( ) a blue car.A dog ( ) a long tail 正准备用英语怎么说?比如,“汤姆正准备帮小华学习英语”. I have my hair cut short.这句子的成分怎么分啊,short是作什么成分?有宾语补足语的补足语这个结构的啊? my tail is short 改为否定句 把下面的字母组成6个单词,这6个单词组成一句话.a p w c o i t y h d m u y r t t l e e o a m o p C H E R R Y 这些字母可以组成六个单词,这六个单词又可以组成一句话.要按顺序排. 我需要做什么 英语怎么说我需要做什么?我必须着什么?以及:我需要做这个吗?我必须做这个吗?怎么说呢,还有就是:我应该做什么?我应该现在煮饭吗? 朗读句子,找出含有相同读音的单词抄在横线上,并画出发音相同的字母或字母组合.The teacher is cleaning the key under the tree.要写四个 根据句子意思和所给首字母写出单词1. My m is 34. She is a t . 2. The c on the desk are yours, Tom. P them on, please. 3. T are five p in my family. 4. W is your f job? 5. W 根据下列句子及所给单词首字母写出此字母there is one minute l______,so we need to hurry up 英语翻译Stranger:china...now there is a proper wowYou:thankyouStranger:i can safely say your the third chinese person ive ever spoken to in my lifeYou:heheYou:really?Stranger:yup,ive spoken to many people with chinese parents but they had never a 帮忙翻译这段英文对话!We talk of the past I do not know if you can remember I remember the first thing you say is, Which do you like star Remember how you answer? month和months的读音相同吗month最后的尾音是读咬舌头的,而变成复数后,先是咬舌音,后面又有一个发s的音,到底该怎么读呢? When The World Let You Know Love(江湖告急)这句话什么意思,精辟一点的括号里的是电影名 small的反义词