
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:12:51
We are e___ about the coming Are Festival. he said he_____(buy) some books for his brother. L部分-英语作文 l六年级英语作文谁能告诉我啊! It counts what your said.←意思相同的句子可以是Your said is counted. 一句话:Lily wants to buy someapples and some orange.判断:Lily wants to buy someapples and something.( )请说原因.someoranges his old dream of going around the world came back,but this time he would sail.英译汉 a dream of the world什么意思 shanghai is more crowded than any amercian cities还是city?为什么? crowded是多音节词吗?如果不是为什么比较级还用more crowded,还有stupid也是这样 Buses are also dirtier and more crowded 为什么不用比较级,比较级不是要加than吗? 材料一、二分别体现了孔子的哪些思想主张材料一“知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也.”“学而时习之,不亦悦乎!”“三人行,必有我师焉.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之.”材料二“为政以德, he turned on the TV the moment he got back home 这句话是否正确although some kind of communication as sounds does take place among animals and birds ,it is not language .帮忙翻译下这句话 Heading home,he turned back.这句话对吗? 高一英语作文:关于如何保持健康快 The book is of great value._can be enjoyed unless you digest it A Nothing B something C Everything D Anything Swimming is my favorite sport.There is_like Swimming as a means of keeping fit A something B anything C nothing Deverything The book is of great value.--can be enjoyed unless you digest it.A.nothing B.Anything there are nine girls in the room.画的是nine,对画线部分提问、谢谢大虾了! 结婚一词最早出现在什么时候. 主持人一词最早出现在什么时候?如题!请出示依据,别瞎说! what time do you finish in the afternoon - ( )do you usuelly play soccer?-In the afternoon.A.What time B.When C.What D.Where我认为A和B都可以啊~ You should appease my pain attitude adjustment to appease their own world he was ___ (too much,much too) worried about his son.请问此处填啥? Many English _____ were opposed to the American Revolution of 1776 moved to Canada,where thMany English _____ were opposed to the American Revolution of 1776 moved to Canada,where they were known as United Empire Loyalists.(A) settling there(B) they He couldn't understand spoke English before he moved to Canada.为什么speak和move用过去时?一句话中不是只有谓语动词表现时态就可以了么?为什么speak和move都要用过去时? 英语翻译Turn one's back on sb究竟该怎么译才好 You turned your back on 到底是什么,接着后面的是let me go She was very angry and turned his back on me.Why?.Why? 圆形周长如何计算?椭圆周长如何计算 我和我的朋友 英文怎么说