
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:46:46
university 英语翻译2.Encourage staff to cycle to work .2.how long is the ENGLISH class in the morning including the break.3.he came home late for the third time this week.4.where can the employees apply for moving expenses?求这几句话的翻译, you are using only about fifty of them的意思 They only put tea leaves in theirs cups or in teatops.这句话怎么翻译?为什么有put、leaves两个动词?为什么一个加s 一个不加? 请问top and top 如何翻译? the party the students looked forword to_yesterday afternoon.A was held B being held C was to be h fewer words 还是less words practise using the fortunate是可数 fortunate 的名词 fortunate与lucky的区别都有幸运的意思,有何区别,最好举例 fortunate lucky的区别能否讲讲他们就竟有什么区别?然后造些能让人理解的句子. 单词:幸运地.要fortunate的变形 What he did made of (happy)用所给单词适当形式填空 英语翻译 1、翻译机的价格贵么? 2、翻译机什么地方有卖? 3、翻译机一般能翻译几种语言? 4、翻译机一次能翻译几个词语? 5、翻译机的质量怎么来看? 6、翻译机还有什么功能? 7、翻译机什么品牌的性能 现在什么翻译软件功能最强大,最好用? the day after tomorrow we'll go to ____ Ajohns Bthe johns Cjohn house Djohn's翻译并选择 碧昂斯start over怎么没有MV啊 message和information 手机的短信用哪个 初中英语句子改错,麻烦解释下为什么: I wonder if Tom has been there. 初中英语句子改错,麻烦帮我看下并解释下吗:I wonder if Tom has been there. 新概念三册的词汇大概是多少的?简单看了下,都好像挺简单,不知道适不适合过了六级的同学? information可以加S吗?information可以加上S吗? information不能加s,但是为什么又可以呢?例句On the dash there's an iPod dock and the instruments panel is a colorful collection of informations. “一些信息”翻译成“some information”对吗?在有道词典里是把“一些信息”翻译成“some of information”的 如题bounce up toothbrush是什么意思? Do you like sport?这句话有没有错 How to practise to bounce?Please speak a little bit in detail,thank you. .shall in no event assume any other liability to seller 海淘欧舒丹shipping information怎么填 shipping information 怎么写我是货代新手,客户的货在我们这里走了 后,客户要包括出口合同号码,数量,目的港,头程日期和船名;二程日期和船名;预计抵港日期.,请问 什么格式我是想知道有没有