
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:00:56
怎样写我是一条金鱼这篇作文 数列{An}中,若A的下标n+1=1/2An(n≥1)且A1=2,则{An}的前5项和. It's very w_____ and d____ in the desert .填补单词 Waitting a 计算a-2+(a-2分之4a)的结果为? the bank is oppoiste the newsagent's是什么意思 假如有一个实型数据a,那么(long)a是什么意思RT 已知a=1,代数式a+2a+3a+4a……9a 怎么计算 The situation is the opposite when a flight leg is added to the bank.这里的bank什么意思 应该不是银行吧.是民航航线优化方面 英文文献上的还有hub de-banking 枢纽的非银行化? THE MOST IMPORTANT THING怎么样 target-consumer是什么意思 等差数列与等比数列各项均为正数,且首项相等.第(2n+1)项也相等,比较它们第(n+1)项的大小 有一个等差数列{an}与一个等比数列{bn},它们的首项是一个相等的正数且第2n+1项也相等,则第n+1项的大小关系是a(n+1)__b(n+1).(且问:什么时候相等?) 设{an}等差数列,{bn}是正项等比数列,且a1=b1,a(2n+1)=b(2n+1),则a(n+1)与b(n+1)的大小关系为 已知等差数列a(n)=2n-5,等比数列b(n)=2^(n-3)若恰有4个正整数n满足不等式 2a(n+p)/a(n) 找一些比较有诗意的作文题目 例如:幸福的颜色,有我的风景之类的 这个单词怎么读?请帮我记上音标icdoet 和 icdet 怎么读? 扩写句子.1、妈妈笑了.2、学生去春游.(至少写两处) when i was in idaho,i used to buy 求原文. 描写去春游的词 描写梅花山的景色的好词好句有什么啊,要介绍去春游的地方哦, He has a medium build,and he wears glasses.改为同义句 适合春游的词 tom has a medium build.(改为同义句) tom____ ____medium build It is the closest to home.是什么中文意思? the boy _wearing__glasses on the left is Tom 为什么是wearing 不是wears I studied in the same school _as_ he did.和I studied in the same school that he studied in.是否都对明明是同一所学校,为何第一句要用as 是因为所接的从句是省略句的缘故吗,第一句的先行词也是学校吗 the problem of the global warming is serious._,the sea levels have risen a littlea as a result b on the contray c in particular d in other words Chinese women's political and social status(地位)has risen little by little ……in the past ten years,but they still faced serious difficulty.翻译 disadvantages of going to the mall等于disadvantages for going to the mall吗?read the article ,then list the advantages and disadvantages of going to the mall.此句中的of我认为可以用for 来替代,能否用其它的例句来解释一下? I write to my penfriend every sunday.(用she作主语改写句子) 小蝙蝠外出找食它发出每秒1500米的超声波三秒后收到了猎物的信息它以每秒50米的速度冲向猎物,几秒可以捉快