
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:33:56
六年级下册语文第一单元易错读音 求求你们很急的今天必须要的.不少于20个 如何使用spss拟合logistic曲线数据如下:1990 987031991 1037831992 1091701993 1159931994 1227371995 1311761996 1389481997 1377981998 1322141999 1338312000 1385532001 1431992002 1517972003 1749902004 2032272005 2246822006 2462702007 26558320 从1901年到2008年,诺贝尔物理奖获得者 2008年诺贝尔物理学奖得主是谁? 假设你在宇宙飞船上烧一壶水,需要多久如题 "Calls you just to say Hi"call为什么要加s? Hi guys upstairs,I just come to say Hi~ 331 00:16:50,140 --> 00:16:51,600 我就是过来打个招呼 I just wanted to say hi.33100:16:50,140 --> 00:16:51,600我就是过来打个招呼I just wanted to say hi. call you just to 不太好~是一首赞美朋友的诗:Accept you as you areBelieves in youCall you just to say"hi"Doesn't give up on you Envisions the whole of you(even the unfinished parts)Forgives your mistakesGives unconditionallyHelps youInvit I just had a minute to say hi意思 已知,在三角形ABC中,过C作∠BAC的平分线AD的垂线,垂足为点D,DE∥AC,交AC于点E,试说明AE=CE.例:∵……(理由) ∴……(理由) …… 三角形Abc,Ab=Ac,Ad是角Bac的平分线,Ae是角Bac的外角平分线,Ce垂直Ae于E1.求证:四边形Adce为矩形2.Abde为平行四边形 the woman with her two sons often _____(go) shopping on Sundays Lisa with her mother ----- go shopping on Sundays.A.isn't B.aren't C.don't D.doesn't选择. the woman with her two sons is cooking for her fanily in the kitchen now.这个句子去掉 for herfamily The old woman has two sons,but -----of them lives with herA.both B.either C.neithet D.none 不要用相似三角形 ,如图,等腰三角形ABC中,AB=AC,点D是AC上一动点,点E在BD的延长线不要用相似三角形 ,如图,等腰三角形ABC中,AB=AC,点D是AC上一动点,点E在BD的延长线上,且AB=AE,AF平分∠CAE交DE于点F( 如何溶解环氧树脂? 环氧树脂的溶解固化的环氧树脂粘在玻璃棒上了,能用浓减软化然后用砂纸擦除吗? I often go ( ) 提示(shop)on Sundays with my mother i often help my mother with the housework on sundays.为什么用with? 甲乙两人有矛盾,一次两人狭路相逢,甲说:“我不会给心胸狭窄的人让路”乙马上说:“我会.” 乙的言外之意是什么?回答看看 环氧树脂有什么好的方法溶解吗? 光速赶不上宇宙爆炸时的暴胀速度吗? 既然有波速公式v=fλ 为什么介质会影响波速? 公式:v(波速m/s)=f(频率Hz)λ(波长m)中常数波速是多少? 超声波在某一介质中传播时,如果是超声波的频率增大,为什么波速是不变的?根据公式v=λf来看,波速应该会变小啊? 做匀速圆周运动的物体向心加速度不变对吗 匀速圆周运动的物体,质量一定时,向心加速度是一定的么? 环氧树脂用什么能溶解 she often ________(依靠) on her sister when she was young 括号里是填写depend 还是depends 原因是什么?答案是depend,个人意见要加s, She often visits her aunt on Sundays.用nextShe often visits her aunt on Sundays.用next Sunday改写句子.She______ ________to visit her aunt next Sunday.