
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 18:10:36
我要一个带有A\M和Y的男英文名 y开头含M的女性英文名 含有m和 j的英文名我名字的拼音是zhou meng jie我个人喜欢m和j,因为读起来和我名字很像最好两个字母都带有读起来也比较像我名字的谢啦、意思也说一下、 财务报表中加括号的数据是什么意思?RT 求包含C,Y,N的比较罕见的英文名~~~~~大大们帮忙撒~~~ have not的缩写是什么? ______ the team from Brazil won the gameA Finally B End C Start D First 请帮忙做几道英语习题Why ___ to talk about it yesterday?A.didn't a meeting hold B.wasn't a meeting held C.wasn't held a meeting D.a meeting wasn't heldThe river smells terrible.People must ___ dirty things into it.A.be stopped to throw B.be they have 缩写是如题. they have 的 缩写 they've 之如何发音? 我是个完全不懂英语的人我最近在看谢孟媛的英语教学视频http://xiemengyuan.cn/kk2/我的问题是音标不是用来标示英语单词怎么读的吗 为什么她读 beater /bitter 没有听到[ i ] 的声音呢 ? The _ in the room are _ yellow (light) 有一句歌词是yellow diamonds in the light的是哪首歌? A light hung from the ceiling.这句话对吗为什么不是"A light is hung from the ceiling"? 英语翻译翻译:Much to our regret,the proposal ___ health food production was rejected for the lack of fund required.a.concerned b.concerning c.which was concerned d.which concerning应该是选D吧,怎么翻译的? the design is made up of eighteen matches.Can you remove six of them to change the design into two ?英语暑假作业里的 I want to make my design b 首字母填空 第一声喝彩女主人很吃惊.她为什么这样吃惊 8的英文字母怎么写 下划线是键盘上的哪个键啊?求问~ cause a change in sb./sth.可用哪个单词代替 求moumoon的get real的歌词及翻译 英语翻译oi olha entendi mais ou menos mim passa o link para podermpos conversar online,e 250 tulipas fica quanto de dinheiro aki no brasil porque trabalhamos com real entendi? 英语翻译sono a può renderglielo la donna fiera,non importa quando e dove essere osservato giù su da non è la I,ma.sono a può renderglielo la donna fie 皇家马德里Realmadrid的real为什么翻译成皇家? 皇家马德里"Real Madred"中"Real"怎么解释?英语里是真实的意思,难道在西班牙语里是"皇家"? 为何皇马的英文是REAL MADRID CF?利物浦是FC? 英语翻译因为这个是过去已经发生了的事情,所以我想应该不是IF I WERE OWEN,I WILL NOT GO TO REAL MADRID.那应该怎么改? 我在南城中学读书 用英文怎么说 适合高中生在寒假阅读的英语书籍最好是寒假能看完的,最好是比较有名的一些名著,英语单词难度不要太大.比较好理解的.好的话额外再加50积分 英语翻译我可以过去吗翻译成葡萄牙语翻译完后注意收您的消息,待会我给您发信息 英语翻译A minha máquina é a Singer Brilliance 6180,e precisava das definições em português..Abraços.Singer Brilliance 6180是机器型号,请问definições是什么意思?我在google上翻译的是“定义”的意思