
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 07:45:49
英语翻译注意,是要你自己翻译出来!这句话我怎么翻译都有点感觉不对...所以别用搜索引擎翻译, 丝绸之路project!英文!新加坡中学里面要做project :the silk road然后就是要问 what happenedwhen did it happenwhere did it happenedwhy did it happened就是这几点啦,最好翻译成英文,如果好的话 走路时你脚绊倒石头人为什么会向前倒 读孟尝君传原文译文 i love you enough to spend an hour making cookies,so you will eat up in 15 minutes的意思 why does Susan want to eat two pieces of cake? I can see you everytime I come here~everytime 后面是不是必须要when 求michi- You Gotta Be 歌词RT project怎么读 计算机二级用英文怎么翻译?急 请问“全国计算机二级”用英文怎么翻译? 麻烦帮我修改下这篇信,看看有没有格式,语法,单词的错误,Dear PhoebeI am writing this letter to tell you the changes in my life since our homework has reduced.Before that,our homework load was too demanding.Every day,we have many e 英语翻译德国是联邦制国家,联邦和各州的立法权力由《基本法》( 即宪法) 来明确.德国采取议会共和制,实行立法、司法、行政的三权分离.联邦议院和参议院是最高的立法机关; 最高行政机关 生活在别处 英文怎么说 生活在别处,英语怎么说,是谁说的,作者英语名怎么说 “生活在别处”的英文 sj的it's you 是什么舞风 could you please可不可以用it doen'smatter回答could you please可不可以用it doesn't matter回答 I stopped to let the car cool off and to study the map.这句话里的第二个to能省略么?能省略或者不能省的原因是什么呢~ 以距离地球遥远的一颗恒星为参考物,地球自转一周所需的时间是? It's gotta be a dreamgotta 是什么东东 i'll ( )some( )for you.A,give,jellys B,gets,jelly C,get,jelly D,gives,jelly Tommy is going to_______some water for you.A,get B.gets C.got 理由 请大家帮我看下这篇对话语法是有错误.我想根据《假话真情》那个小品改成一个英语话剧.下面是我翻译的一部分.请大家我帮我看看是否与语法错误?True liesFigures(人物):Father:Tom(T) Daughte 英语翻译很高兴收到你的回复.首先我需要确认一下,新项目所需要的速度表只有EGZ3/8 我们领导说有可能需要EGZ3/8和EGS3/8 两种型号的速度表.所以你们此次采购的速度表应该是这两种型号各10只 my teachers usually ( )early in the morning.A,begin to work B,begins to workC,beginning working D,begins working This Friday is surly a special day becauseit was believed as the end of the world predicted by Mayan.Now of course the rumorhas been collapse of itself,but not until the day was really passed,people were still very afraid.Some of them spent all of th 帮忙纠正语法中的错误,Thanks for your help.Thank your for your help.Thanks a lot for your help. difficulty与difficulties(区别)英语1.They may have difficulty getting to Fujian .2.did your father have any difficulty in his way yesterday?3.I hear some difficulties in understanding the people.为什么以上三句有些用difficulty又有 have difficulties (in)doing 和 have difficulty (in)doing 有什么区别? hydropower-complex是什么意思? 兄弟的英文怎么打.