
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:30:35
冰心 成功的花》由这朵成功的花你想到了什么 【冰心】成功的花成功的花,人们只惊慕她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨.这首诗给我们什么启示? 谁介绍几首和jewel的stand,这种差不多的英文歌?这种差不多的. 英语翻译rt it's useless ---- that you didn't know the rules.A.your pretending B.you not know C.you to pretend D.for you not knowing Do you know _______(他) Who is that?It's________(我) 单句改错:What are you going to do that? I'm travelling to Hong Kong.改为同义句 I'm _____ _____ _____ Hong kong. It has all of the colour that you know or do not know找错.THANKS A LOT. 英语改错:What are you going to do in your stereo and TV? 怎么样的文章才算议论文? It's not what you know but who you know that counts 一道英语改错:What are you going to do in this evening?快.. 英语句型转换 Hong Kong has seven million people(改为同义句) What present are you going to buy to me改错这句话里面有什么错误 什么叫文学性文章?议论文算吗?RT Under no circumstances should you have to repeat that course . Remember that you should do ()I dorhgteviney 组成一个单词添括号里 He was a teacher last year怎样变特殊疑问句 仿写冰心《成功的花》《成功的花》 成功的花,人们只惊羡她现时的明艳!然而当初她的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨.仿照《成功的花》,从下面的题目中任选一题,来创作一首小 it seems that you are ill today(改为简单句)怎么改?为什么? he went to the beach last year改为一般疑问句 The school rules state that no child _____ out of the school,unless accompanied by an adult.A.shall allow B.shall be allowed C.will allow D.will be allowed 英语翻译 成语 喜笑颜开 风驰电掣 刚才还怒气冲冲,一会又喜笑颜开 打一个成语 用成语概括:刚才还怒气冲冲,一会又喜笑颜开 冰心 成功的花表现了那三大主题 一般过去时改否定句再改一般疑问句,我这有两例子;he worked vevy hard last year和MR.smith bought a necar yesterday. Her mother worked in a town last year 变为否定句、疑问句然后作肯定、否定 黄色月季做接穗,红色月季做粘木,进行嫁接.嫁接后枝条将是什么颜色 月季嫁接后可开出五颜六色的花,嫁接成活后表现接穗的性状还是砧木的性状?