
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:21:09
There issome peanut butter inthe basket.(some peanut butter提问) Australia's Shadow Foreign Minister 什么意思 Jeffrey Haw,former minister of foreign Affair Department of UK. what about your brother 同义句 ()()your brother? Paris is _____ most beautiful city, where you can see ______ famous Eiffel TowerA.a;the B.a;/ C.the;an D./;the请简略说明原因,谢谢 我想定我想定这本书,不知道国内哪里可以订到啊,麻烦高手指教, The shot which was ___for the President killed the Minister of Foreign Affairs.unintended intend intention 怎么填?为什么? foreign affairs 中f和a要大写吗? 本人今年大一,请英语好的人(最好是老师)给我推荐一本英语语法书吧,今天我去书店看了一下,看到了一本薄冰大学英语语法,应该是最新版的,还看到一个张道真英语语法,分上下册的,两本都 If i should die,i will die.这句话有错误么?就是没错也给我挑个错出来 试管婴儿移植后几天会着床,着床后会有什么反应 已知对数函数f(x)=log1/2 X 若f(ab)=1 求f(a^2)+f(b^2) 宁可.也不.造句 用纵使……也,造句 函数f(x)=1gx+根号x+1的定义域是多少? 函数(x)=log1/3(6-x-x^2)的单调递增区间是( )A [-1/2,+∞] B [-1/2,2]c(-∝,-1/2) D (-3,-1/2) 英文we cannot complete your request to theitunes store at this time. Minister和Secretary在作"部长,大臣"解时,区别在哪儿? 英语句里Ed Smith has a great sports collection.中的a 与sports是否矛盾 英语翻译是不是有英式和美式的区别? 小学高年级数学教学的方法我是中学历史老师,但最近可能去附近一所小学支教五六年级数学课,不离开原单位,我虽然学的文科,但小学的那点数学我自认为还是完全能够应付.甚至我一度认为, 长方形的周长为c长为a 要求宽b下面式子正确的有b=(c-2a)/2不对吗? 长方形的周长是C,长是a,宽是C减2a 对的错的 I went our last night,and she may have been reading.为什么用reading 宁可…也…造句 I remembered () cartoon books last weekend.I finished reading them yesterday.A.buying B.bought C.buy D.to buyThey think it is very ()that everyone wears the same.A.bored B.boring C.interesting D.interestedIs () important for students () healthy habit while my frident was reading in bed,two thieves climbed into his kitchen.这里可以用现在完成时吗 had climbed into 可以吗 翻译一句话 The people in my department understand the impact our work has on other departments 小明的父亲有三个儿子,长子叫一明,次子叫二明,第三个儿子叫什么名字?三儿子中谁最勤劳,谁最懒惰? 一个人有十七头牛,他在病危之际,要把17头牛分给他的3个儿子.他说:“长子应分得一半,次子分得三分之一,幼子得九分之一.”后来他死了,三个儿子却不知道怎么分这17头牛.你知道怎么分吗? “七月的星火,南湖的航船.让东方雄狮从噩梦般奋起.”这一句涉及到的历史事件是什么? 让东方雄狮在噩梦中奋起的七月的星火南湖的航船象征什么?