
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 06:17:37
英语翻译In Europe many people died during the Second World War.As a result,at the end of the war there were many orphans(孤儿)there.A man called Hermanna Gmeiner wanted to help these children.His idea was simple.He wanted the orphans to hav 最后一道数学大题了,大大们请进.已知向量→a=(-1,sin α/2)与向量→b=(4/5,2cos α/2)垂直,其中α为第二象限角.(求tanα的值.(2)在△ABC中,a,b,c分别为∠A,∠B,∠C所对的边,若b∧2+c∧2-a∧2=√2 bc,求 英语翻译I was living and working at the opposite end of California from Silicon Valley,in Hollywood.翻译下,再分析句子结构好吗,是哥伦比亚来自硅谷吗,好莱坞是在哥伦比亚对面?不清楚, 选择究竟如何才对? 名人传三位主人公的性格和主要事件 我必须警告你不要出去,暴风雨要来了. 翻译成英文用到warn...not to do.急用啊谢谢大家啦 判断题.三角形最多有3条高 判断题 三角形的高都在这个三角形的内部 A 一定 B 不一定 三角形判断题,三角形相邻两边组成的角叫三角形的内角,这句话对不对……考不考虑那个大于180°的角(如图) 我叫mtonline里紫mt和桶牛属性完全一样吗?哪个更好点? 关于我叫MT安卓版V2.5.1.0紫卡分解碎片问题,求大神回答.万能碎片是不是只能使用该紫卡的50%为上限?若是用紫卡分解万能碎片,是分解1级的紫卡好呢?还是分解75级金边的紫卡好n呢?因为我发现, giving up is another beginning是何意思 哈维米尔克的时代 THE TIMES OF HARVEY MILK怎么样 eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 是什么意思!这句话是一个男生写给他前女生的,他们相恋了两年,男生出国了,加之两年中争吵不断,最后分了手.但是女生还是很爱男生,男生在得知女生还爱自己后 Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind的主题曲是什么在男主人公十分痛苦下时 放的背景音乐是什么; eternal sunshine 的意思 英语翻译Permanent eternal memory characterization in mind , You are my eternal movement of ours to bear in You are my eternal movement of ours to bear in mind "情不醉人人自醉 往事若堪回首 誓言岂能成历史?"的含义是什么? Eternal vigilance is the price of liverty翻译 这句话"as one computer preliterate once commented,the price of liberty is eternal "如何翻译 依安到齐市的1082次车几点 北京民政局电话号码 民政局电话号码 by the eternal什么意思 英语翻译In my assessment,the consensus consists of five key elements:(1) The standards developed should be confined to principles and not become detailed rules.(2) A single set of high-quality written standards of financial reporting applied to a 英语翻译74、Don't take him for a friend; he's something of a bully.75、She was exhausted and in no mood for dancing.76、During foggy weather trains are late more often than not.77、The paint is still wet Not be sure to touch it.78、Who will 英语翻译你来,我当你不会走,你走,我当你没来过.这句话怎么翻译? 房门旋转式门把手坏了,怎么拆卸旋转式门把手原本一转动,舌头伸缩可以开关门,现在门把手转动舌头不会动了,想拆下重新装个新的,可不知怎么拆,请高手指导. 房门旋转式门把手坏了……………急!求救…………旋转式门把手原本一转动,舌头伸缩可以开关门,现在门把手转动舌头不会动了,而且现在门是锁着的,急……………… 新装好的房子,卧室门把手老是有电的感觉,就用数字验电笔在家中测了一下,吓了一跳,家中墙体带电,瞬时达到12V或35V.卧室门把手上的瞬时电达到110V或220V.请教内行的人,这到底是怎么回事.我 what can___him to such a terrible lot,when his soul is dead and his body is alive?foredoom foretelwhat can___him to such a terrible lot,when his soul is dead and his body is alive?foredoom foretell forecast foretastethx为什么不是foredoom谢谢