
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:24:10
经常应用工具书有什么好处 如何正确使用工具书 为什么读书时要随时使用工具书? 关于keep的用法.keep doing 另外帮我详细解释下keep的其他用法. people live __ far away form the city 答案是too,那用sopeople live __ far away form the city答案是too,怎么区分? Last month a new law ----in our city to stop people form polluting the environment.(单项选择)A.is passed B.passes C.had passed D.was passed with用法的区别The sale usually takes place outside the house,with the audience____on benches,chairsor boxes.A.having seated B.seating C.seated D.having been seated选什么?为什么? 区别with 的用法WITH 什么时候加分词,什么时候又用不定式啊?例如with a lot of difficult problems to settle,the manager felt worried all the time.with the students following,the teather come into the classroom his home is (5 kilometres) away(对括号里的部分进行提问) _________ _______ away is his home M.his father is at home.第1空填什么 non woven polyester in Cool Gray 9C for lining 李宁公司是李宁本人开的么? There's no one in the house .改成反意疑问句,应该在句尾加什么?my brother works as a taxi driver . 3.They threw the rubbish on the playground.改成否定句 写像 笑嘻嘻——嘻嘻笑 的词语,快谁被我选为最佳答案,谁就拥有我所有财富值! 开心的笑是什么.快! you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Welcome to our club.说说怎么造这么一个 句子.不加 be动词 are 361.特步,李宁,匹克等哪个质量好?运动服,运动鞋.一双匹克鞋,才穿了一季,底居然露了!361度,没怎么穿,2年,底的侧后方已磨掉了3.4毫米,我花188买的就这个质量?特步脚面紧的要命,两只有差异,难 Write a one page essay on the topic .明天要交!Write a one page essay on the topic"WHY DO TEENS USE DRUGS?" in your writing discuss how family friends and the community can help teens with this problem. Sometimes manners can count more than anything else in the first impression 最后还有 you make count the book的意思 hold a party的意思 the first the count to mote brush的发音音标 count the 是词组! 英语翻译A.may be B.can be C.maybe D.must其实也就是 may be 和maybe的区别 Where is Mr.Read?He is in a r_.He's having dinner with his friends. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 Sydney是什么意思 They are too tired to walk farther.(改为同义句They are so tired that they can not walk farther.为什么用can‘t Sydney什么意思 he was too tired to walk any farther为什么any后加比较级any 后能加比较级的吗 I am too tired to walk any further i'm ()tired ()i()walk any farther