
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 18:50:13
英文介绍一本自己喜欢的书不用太长、太难 英文介绍一本喜欢的书最好有汉语翻译,二百字以内 怎样介绍一个英语课本上的人物!怎样用英语开头! 他上周六早上读了一些书 用英语怎么说? 我每天早上读半个小时的书.翻译成英语 晨读用什么书比较好.想好好的练习英语英语发音~ 一本英文书的简介书名Pink Boots and a Machete:My Journey From NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer作者:Mireya Mayor We are a member of the Computer Club.中的a member of 要变成复数吗? 一个英语题的疑问Most of the people ____ to the cocktail party yesterday.这一句话中,空格处为什么不能用to be invited ,而要直接用invited? 英语题目 1 1-7题英语 英语 如题分析两题的区别 1.About two hundred of students took part in the Art Festival.2.The small twon is about four hundred miles away from the city center.为什么第1句有of第2句没of上面是正确答案 第1句没有the 英语问题如题 英语如题 如题英语 如题 英语给首字母填单词in the building,l saw boys and girls about my a_______,but i didn't know any of them 英语习题疑问Thousands of men () and were buried ()the wall.我想问的是一个括号里填were dead 还是 died ,第二个括号里填under还是below?给出理由噻! He must have left home yeserday,___he?Q:答案是didn't 可是这句话不是完成时吗?完成时可以接具体时间点?I wish to visit the summer palace next week,___?Q:答案是may I 天,这是为哪样啊?would you read my composition and co 一些英语问题What are you doing,Grangma?g要大写吗?什么时候大写,什么时候不大写,比如mum dad••••••Does your mum have lunch at home?改为肯定句怎么改?老师说是My mum has lunch at home. 英语一些问题when he was ten years old ,Tom lived by himself(改为同义句)Tom lived bu himself _____ ______改错:The storm form the north will arrive on the late afternoonA snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday (对划线部分提问。 一些英语问题,一,1.He has two cars.One is black,the other is white.2.There are 50 students in my cloass,25 are boys,the others are girls.这两句中,我知道One……the other这个固定搭配,可是the other后面不是要加名词吗?为 how long will your father A.leave B.leaving C.to leave D.be away 2.when will they leave _shanghai?A.by B.from C.for D.in 3.something_when they built the bridge.A.cut out B.went wrong C.tidied up D.made a mistake4.i think you can do it _(correct) 英语翻译请翻译成中文 英语翻译The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.● Write your notes in your own words. 英语翻译 英语翻译It was a cold January night.A town,in Beichuan county,one of the worst damaged areas in the May 12 earthquake,2008,was quiet expect that the sound of music came out of a small house.This was not an ordinary house but a community KTV set u 英语翻译1 我姐姐说,她准备学习一门外语2 凯特说,她将永远记住她那次愉快的埃及之行3 那个男孩问妈妈,死人是否真会复活4 我问李同志,那些新式机器什么时候展出5 当我们听到他说的话时, 1 His body is frail but all his____ are still sharp.A facilities B powers C abilities D faculities2 In his ____ to further his knoledge of the universe,man has now begun to explore space.A expedition B chase C trail D endeavor3 It ____ two choises:yo We arrived in Beijing at six.(变为同义句)We _______ __________ Beijing at six.She went there by bus.(改为一般疑问句)________ she _____ there by bus?His work started at half past eight.(对at half past eight提问)_____________ TOM always made his sister --loudly but last night he was made--.Acry,cry B tocry ,tocry C cry,to cry Dto cry.cry 我读初二的.There are about 50 wild tigers in China.They are ____ in southwest and northeast China.A.mainly B.also C.already D.just有争议的是A和D,应该是哪个?最好有解释.7L,这是我们期末考试的考题- - 英语翻译原文:内蒙古科技大学图书馆改扩建给排水工程设计翻译:The Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering design of rebuilding and expansion about Inner Mongolia university of science and technology's library