
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 10:54:34
单词once的音标once我是这样划分音节的on-ce最后面的e不发音,c在e的前面,所以音标应该是s可是前面的on,我用词典看了一下.为什么在音标的最前面有个w? tell的音标加汉语 火星公转一周多少天 地球公转与火星公转相比1、公转方向2、公转轨道面3、公转轨道形状 火星公转多久 what What colour的意思 Can you tell me who will _________ at the class meeting next Monday?(speech) could you tell me who——(speak) at tomorrow's meeting 用溴水怎么鉴别“1-己烯和甲醛”,现象是? 用所给词的适当形式填空 .She__(go)to the cinema with her friengs tomorrow evening. He+has+short+hair+and+big+eyes.的汉语意思是什么?如题 ____ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Mexico for farther research.A.How curious the couple we’re B.So curious the couple wasC.The couple was such curious D.So curious were the coupleWHICH ONE?WHY? All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants that once grew wild. ___ about wild plants that they decided to make a triop to Madagascar for further research.选项:A.So curious the couple was B.So curious were the coupleC.How curious the couple wereD.The couple was such curious 略读式的四字词语要仨 有哪些表示略读的四字词语 __nobody was very enthusiastic about it,they decided to cancel the trip.A.Not knowing thatB.Saying thatC.Seeing thatD.Providing that _____ nobody was very interested in it,they decided to cancel the trip.A.Even though B.As soon asC.While D.Seeing thatWhich one?Why? This lilm is very _____(excite) . I want to talk to about the trip这里的 talk to about对吗, Be he rich or poor 是让步状语从句的一种倒装吗?那这里省略的是whether 还是however 新学期新班级新形象初二作文 表示略读的词语 there isn't any hot water in the thermos .who would like to ----some now?A take B bring C carryD fetch,为什么 根据五年级下学期《精读与略读》短文内容选择词语填空.对每一...根据五年级下学期《精读与略读》短文内容选择词语填空.对每一个字、每一句话都仔细的推敲.形容读书、 说话或写作态度 that sounds very exciting 对exciting 提问 作文:新学期新构想职中作文 题目:新学期新构想 大概400字左右就可以 谢谢 作文( 新学期新设想 ) 关于新学期对各科学科的设想作文 They travel to interesting and beauful places during their vacation怎么翻译 求一篇 新学期设想 的作文