
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 01:01:16
南京高铁能不能带指甲油?大概每瓶15ml的样子,3瓶.我看规定上说不超过20ml的指甲油,是说每瓶还是总量啊? 3DS MAX建模问题比如建一了个矩形,现在要在上面穿个圆孔,好久不用忘了,记得是建个圆柱放里面,有个命令能把重叠的部分去掉,这要就达到效果了.实在记不清了! 3ds max建模有几种方法?分别是什么?. 有没有dress in这个短语,举例 you have been in Neijiang very long?Yeah _____my parents came here.A for B when C since 为什么呢 为什么生物活性洗衣粉用后要洗手 既替余以蕙纕兮 又申之以揽茝 如何构成对偶的 unfair与unjust的区别very thanks. injustice与unfair区别, 乘飞机时,为什么不能带液体、凝胶及喷雾类物品? 液体、凝胶及喷雾类物品有哪些 用在这里.因为.写一句排比句,快,老大们快点. citibank是什么意思 too cruel to be more cruel,am I am too weak, or too cruel reality请问是什么意思 英语翻译while on the evening we rest and enjoy the beautiful sunset at tanah lot,a holy temple at the beach.谁能帮忙翻译成中文 打破砂锅WEN到底的WEN字怎么写?貌似不是吧 打破砂锅wen到底的wen怎么写. 打破沙锅wen到底是这个问吗? 打破沙锅wen到底的wen咋么写? 打破砂锅wen到底的wen怎么写,不是问 translate to Chinese"Withholding information from patients or telling just the family is becoming a thing of the past even in those parts of the world where traditionallt disclosure did not occur.""The evidence is that patients differ in how much the translate it to Chinesea frequent comment made in followed-up evaluations is that increased awareness has improved communications and more importantly given participants a better understanding of their own language and how others might interpret it. 英语翻译Although I live in london now,because of my job,I am still at heart a countryman.I am always contrsting the peace and the beaut of my chilkhook surroundings with the noise and the filth of my present environment.as a boy i was awakened by my brother,s short are green.哪里错了怎么改 求一部关于探索地壳的影片.具体记不清了,只记得以前在电影频道放过,美国片吧,就是好几个人进入地壳,中途死了很多人. 关于地壳的问题 急......地球分为三层,分别是地壳、地幔和地核.其中,( )是地球的固体外壳,是由一层层( )构成的,越到深处,( )越大,( )越高,那里的物质热得像烧熔了的玻璃一样,叫 translate in to chinese“So it is clear," I said,"that we should choose not to have common sense,if ever that common sense contributes to our ill-being." 形容神州人才辈出的成语(以动物喻人) 形容孕育优秀人物,人才辈出的成语有哪些啊? 鱼的身体两侧都有一条线,这些线对鱼来说,有什仫作用 求高手来一组成语,就是要描写一个地方人才辈出,人杰地灵的.就类似于我提供的那2个成语的.最好10个以上.要从宏观方面针对整个地方,而不是只是狭隘的单指某个风景或人文.