
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 10:51:07
eat in class(改为否定句) 春节包饺子的由来 简短的 EAT IN CLASS ,PLEASE(改为否定句) 春节拜年的由来 You _____to see him pretend to be angry A will laugh B would laugh C would have laughed D laughed为什么选C You s___ laugh at him. 两性花有哪些?急用! 关于两性花在苹果、桔子、梨、葡萄、西红柿、茄子、土豆、洋葱、蒜黄、胡萝卜、黄花菜;花生,开心果,瓜子中哪些是由两性花发育而成? 常见的两性花有哪些?腊梅、迎春花是不是两性花呢? 玩具供应商用英语怎么说? "供应商"用英语怎么说? 供应商审批单 英语怎么说 一级供应商英语怎么说二级供应商英语怎么说 bear like honey. why did Andy fail to notice the swarm of bees earlier?与此He was lost in the thought of the fis...why did Andy fail to notice the swarm of bees earlier?与此He was lost in the thought of the fishing trip. One day,a bear steals a bottle of honey from a farmer.He runs with it.He runs until he reached a rivers.The bear looks down into the water and sees his own reflection.“Who is that bear with a big bottle honey?”he asks himself.He smiles,and the be make him (laugh/laughing/to laugh)选哪个 He is serious .No one can make him( ) A laugh B laughs C to laugh Dlaughing If you want to make God laugh,tell him your future plans的含义是什么?不要说“如果你想让上帝笑,告诉他你未来的计划”,我想问具体什么内涵? we like him because he makes faces___ us ___ A.TO MAKE to laugh B.make laughed 傲慢与偏见里 这一句对应的英文原文当达西向伊丽莎白求婚而遭到拒绝时,他说了一句话:“要是我耍一点手段,把我内心的矛盾掩饰起来,一味地恭维你,使你相信我无论在理智方面、思想方 Let's go to the countryside.怎么回答?A.That's gright .B.All right .C.That all right.并把三个答案的中文翻译出来 peter住在 Mary 家的下面两层 翻译成中文 翻译:Peter和Mary乘出租车去上学吗? laugh at的被动语态 好听的一什么的成语 这样的关心,说明什么?我男朋友有时会来我这里住,但每次超过11点就有女孩打电话问他给回去不.他住的是公司的房子,我怀疑他们是不是有什么特别的关系,还是只是一般的同事之间关心下?补 他这样的反应说明了什么?因为性格不合也可能他确实不爱我了,分手了,他说做个朋友,因为舍不得我同意了,我花了很长的时间挽留过,但他没有回头,很长段时间他还对我很好,关心我帮助我,但 一个人对自己过于关心,对她很关注, 他这样的反应说明什么?急,请朋友帮忙分析我说想嫁给他.也许有点冒昧,我怕有些话不说就会错过一辈子.我只是不想让自己后悔.很久,他回复说,你家人同意不.我说只要我坚持,很久没回复.我 仿写,平原上,黄色的油菜花,紫白色的豌豆花,镶嵌在率浪翻滚的青稞地,如似一幅精美的图画. 英语七年级下册Don,t eat in class中do和can的用法区别