
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:42:59
The policemen took the people to a( )place,and they are living( )now.A.safe;safe B.safe;safely C.safety;safety D.safely;safely cause sb to become afraid五个字母的单词首字母为S Wishing you happiness什么意思 为什么在魏晋南北朝这一时期产生了祖冲之、贾思勰、郦道元这些科学家?有什么意义在魏晋南北朝时期出现了那些科学家?他们有哪些著作?著作有什莫意义? 单元格合并坐标固定 如A1A2A23合并 后 C1公式 =A123*b1/1000 公式C2 =a123*B2/1000 公式C3 =A123*B3/1000($)符号可固定,但是复制后下一表格还是A$1 我需要让表格自动套用其公式 需要大量复制,在一个表格里 In thissports and gam passage how many groups does thewriter divide American women who take part inIn this passage how many groups does thewriter divide American women who take part in sports and games 气温影响人们的穿衣、( )、建筑、农业和交通等 句子理解It was too far north for a proper harvest.There were a few walnut trees above the village and we would chase the squirrels away and wait for them to ripen.It was too far north for a proper harvest.最后一句话中的far too north怎么 Jane walk out of his life,bursting into tears as she left the room.请问此句中逗号的作用?逗号后面部分是否作状语?"BURSTING INTO TEARS"作什么成份?as从句在句中又作什么成份? We should try to help the ——(able)people and they should be treated as normai persons equally