
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:46:23
本人海外党想自学国内数学物理这两科...用了三个月自己(有选择性的)自学完毕,而物理是0基础(汗)想问几点.·如果我想学电脑(软件编程方面)的话,国内高数12345哪几本更重要些?其实这 我对数学比较感兴趣.初三已经学完了,现在想学高一的,如何学呢?听说高中的知识比初中难很多 what school rules do you think should be changed英语作文具体的作文 摆脱! what school rules do you think should _____(change)?最好告诉我为什么这样做 1.What school rules should be changed?Do you think?(合并成一个句子)What school rules _______ _______ _______ should be changed?2.I will have a chance of achieving my dream only then.(同义句)Only then ______ _____ ______ a chance of achiev 急需人民教育出版社出版的新目标英语七年级下册第10、11单元的听力录音! Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The world show 全文翻译 CCTV's,you,show,the,thank,Around,World,World,joining,for(连词成句)快啊 试举出几组有理数a、b,并分别计算|a+b|和|a|+|b|的值试举出几组有理数a、b,并分别计算|a+b|和|a|+|b|的值试举出几组有理数a、b,并分别计算|a+b|和|a|+|b|的值试举出几组有理数a、b,并分别计算| 英语句子翻译 Thank you for joining CCTV"s Around China show Thank you for jining CCTV's Around The World show是啥意思? 绿叶作文绿叶,充满蓬勃的生机;绿叶,显示着生命的活力;绿叶,体现着高尚的灵魂,奉献的精神 以至a是有理数,求|a-2007|+|a-2008|的最小值? 已知a为有理数,求、|a-2009|+|a-2010|的最小值 What’s the smallest room in the world? 1.What is the largest ant in the world 2.What is the smallest room in the world What kind of work do you do? do you know what my work is?怎么把IS放后面了 这是什么巨型 请帮我想想关于"What do you do after work?的二十个造句就是围绕着这个句子造句,也可以是回答这个问题的对话. 对于有理数a,|a+1|+|a-2|能够取到的最小值是多少? 选择:What are you going to do tomorrow?()A.Swims.B.Swimming.C.Swim.D.Is swimming. I'm going to swimming.这句话有毛病吗?I'm going to swimming.I'm going to swim.\哪句话对? i am going to swim 和i am going to go swimming有什么区别呢 英语连词成句 wearing,a,swimsuit,I'm,because,to,I'm,go,swimming,going That makes no difference. 中文怎么翻译 翻译 who i am makes a difference今天读了篇文章叫《who i am makes a difference》,请翻译下这句话 what is the poorest bank in the world? What's the poorest bank in the world? what's the poorest bank in the world?what is heavier in summer than in winter? Having early nights makes a difference 这个如何翻译? What's the poorest bank in the world?(世界上最没有钱的银行是什么银行?) which bank is the poorest bank in the world?