
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 13:22:16
It's boring.改同义句 (1)it's boring.(同义句转换) It______ ______. 英语教案仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit6 Topic3 Section A 课件 急用 import clearance是什么意思 collective import clearance和collective export clearance什么意思? 在孔子以前,还有谁能被称作为“圣人”的?“老子”不算。因为他们是同一个时期的人。 ----___you___your homework?----Yes.I____it an hour ago.A.Did,finish;have finishedB.Did,finish;finishedC.Have,finished;finishedD.Have,finished;have finished原因、、、 do you want ______(do) your homework now?快 请问谁有《绿树成荫》的意大利文歌词 英语翻译volarepenso che un sogno cosi non ritorni mai piumi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blupoi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapidoe incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinitovolare,oh ohcantare,oh oh oh ohnel blu,dipinto di blufelice di stare 孔子他不是圣人?圣人是他的弟子,他只是一个孔圣人的老师不一定是圣人 .4楼听谁说的 从中国寄过来的EMS,Awaiting Customs clearance是什么意思8月17日寄的28/8/2014 13:51 International Hub Awaiting Customs clearance 28/8/2014 13:50 International Hub Damage recorded - delivery to be scheduled 28/8/2014 13:50 International H 1.(her) sweet words made them very happy .对括号内的提问2.Annie is a true friend ,she always tells me her h() opinions about things.根据首字母填空3.we talk on the Internet as much as we can and i often tell her about my school and my fa Her sweet words made them very happy HER是划线的 对划线部分提问还有一个 孔子几岁失去了父亲 63页56He -----them free and -----their life better .The made them -----happy A.get,let ,felt B.let ,got ,feel C.set ,made ,feel D.made ,set ,feeling为什么 孔子 孟子 老子都活了多大岁数? 孔子出生时他的父亲是多少岁? 孔丘是什么圣人? 下列各项关于预算单位零余额账户的说法,不正确的有( ).A.零余额账户不可以提取现金 B.国库单一账户体系包括零余额账户 C.零余额账户与国库单一账户相互配合,构成财政资金支付 仅要求做第(3)问第1小问,4或4—√6或4+√6.抛物线解析式为y=x^2+4x+3仅要求做第(3)问第1小问,答案为2 4或4—√6或4+√6.抛物线解析式为y=x^2+4x+3.感激不尽!: 为什么最后变成10了.A、B两地相距630千米,客车、货车分别从A、B两地同时出发,匀速相向行驶(客车的终点站是C站,货车的终点站是A站).客车需9小时到达C站,货车2小时可到达途中C站(如图1 that's ____ a hobby means .A what B why C how D where That's-----the village lies.A.where B.when C.why D.what 孔子的父亲是谁拜托各位了 3Q 孔子的父亲是谁?3Q A.where B.in which C.at which D.that E.which F.its G.with H.of which I.whose J./ 定语从句专练,根据定语从句专练,根据所给的单词填空(选出所有的可能) A.where B.in which C.at which D.that E.which F.itsG.with H.of which I. 淘气今年的岁数是爸爸岁数的四分之一,爸爸的岁数又是爷爷岁数的五分之三,爷爷比淘气父亲大32岁淘气今年多少岁 淘气今年7岁,再过两年,爷爷就比淘气大60岁,爷爷今年多大岁数?淘气今年7岁,再过两年,爷爷就比淘气大60岁,爷爷今年多大岁数?有三个提示【43】【16】【65】 The children said to their teacher''Would you please sing a song for us?''直接引语改为间接引语 The children said to their teacher:"Would you please sing a song for us?"咋变成间接引语 The children said to their teacher :“WouldThe children said to their teacher :“Would you please sing a song for us?”改为间接引语