
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:07:22
大学不学数学了,感觉已经有点思维迟钝了... 英语翻译Hello,We recently announced upcoming changes to the maximum number of users for Google Apps.We want to let you know that,as a current customer,the changes will not affect you.As of May 10,any organization that signs up for a new account w “繁花似锦,锦上添花,花似锦.”求下联 00 As is humorously demonstrated in the pictures,with the rampancy of commercial fishing,英语作文,帮我看看有没有语法错误和用词不当的,以及怎样修改,我对你的感激如同滔滔江水,绵绵不绝……As is humorously demon you use(be going to)when someone has decided to do something before怎么翻译呀 钴鉧潭记中的通假字文言文阅读:《钴鉧潭记》钴鉧潭在西山西,其始盖冉水自南奔注,抵山石,屈折东流;其颠委势峻,荡击益暴,啮其涯,故旁广而中深,毕至石乃止.流沫成轮,然后徐行,其清而平 钴鉧潭记里的通假字 英语简单句分析Keep quite and listen to me.We have to be up early in the moming.能不能帮我分析一下句子成分? 钴鉧潭记,毕至石乃止, dry ,no ,but ,drop ,in ,we ,to ,find ,or ,on ,and ,find out 选词填空Water is very important ______ living things.Without water there can be ______ life on earth.All animals and piants need water .Man needs water,too.We need water to drink,to cook which在宾语从句中充当什么成分情所具体详细一点请不要像一楼这样摘抄一些毫不相关的东西来 which在宾语从句中的成分 请问Which在宾语从句在名词性从句中所充当的成分是不同的吗 如果不同 具体又是怎么样 几道德语关系从句填空题,1.Mit dem Bau der Strasse ____ 2003 begonnen.2.Wann wird er operiert?--Er ist gestern schon ____ _____.3.Darf man hier rauchen?--Nein,hier darf nicht _____ ______.4.Wann wird der Wagen repariert?--Er ist schon vor zw 几道德语填空题..Setzen Sie die passenden Funktionsverben ein!1.Fuer die Untersuchung ________ die modernsten technischen Geraete zur Verfuegung.2.Ich lasse mich von niemandem unter Druck ________.3.Fuer die Einrichtung einer Sonnenheizung ____ one of the ( )is English.her name is kake.A.girls B.boys C.subjects “江出西陵,始得平地,其流奔放肆大;南合沅,湘,北合.”出自哪里? One of the girls is ( English).AII the other girls are (Chinese)填对了吗? 小学课外有历史典故的成语(要有主要人物) thought与view与feeling与idea的区分(关于想法观点这方面意思的区分) share feeling and idea with 造句 One of Mr.Zhang's friend ___ from America A.IS B.are C.am D.by 改错 The boys are playing in the street 2 I am from America a step forward into terror 应该怎么翻译 step into any fast-food restaurant in Shanghai_____you will be greeted with warm and friendly service from young waiters and waitresses.AandBifCbutDor求详解 the first time,for the first time,by the first time怎么区别呢? the first,for the first time,first time,by the first time的区别Do you know Mary bery well?Yes.We became good friends_______we met at a partyA.the first time B.for the first timeC.first timeD.by the first time麻烦把每个选项都讲一下/..答 3C是哪几个英文的缩写?就是国家检验检疫局对某些产品进口时,必须要做3C证明,或可以做免3C证明.谁能帮忙解释一下CCC是哪几个单词的缩写吗?谢谢. 3C中各个英雄的英文缩写名 盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于陛下也的意思 英语翻译 I know you do not like me,the same token,I also trouble you