
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:00:07
---Sorry.I have taken your book by mistake.---_________.A.That's right.B.Not---Sorry.I have taken your book by mistake.---_________.A.That's right.B.Not at all.C.All right.D.Never mind.b,d我觉得都对 翻译英语:A:Are you a student leader at college? 英语翻译:现在大学生很难找工作It's difficult for college students to_____ _____ jobs now . go for a trip和go on a trip 有什么区别? this is the best play < > i have watched on TV this year< > 内为什么用that 而不用which 绿绿的草地像什么 He watched a TV play last night.(对watched a TV play提问) 急 1.I watched a play_____( by,for) jackie chen last night2.Maria asked me_____ (for ,about ) health last weekend3.the boy ____(say) yes to the teacher and then went out4.the clothes aren't in____(fashion) now.don't wear them any more5.____(sing) is ve 白色的羊儿在绿绿的草地上吃草,就像_______ 绿绿的草地上,有几棵挺拔的树,就像------------------------------- 1.Last night,we watched Bob______basketball.A.played B.to play C.play2.Do you know______?A.He B.him C.she3.The player______the basketball.A.catch B.catchs C.catch 4.--Do you like runners?--______.A.yes,l do B.l like C.yes,l like读句子,选择正确 七年级二班共有学生30名,准备周日去世纪公园参观,其票价是每人5元,若一次购满30张票,则每张票价可少收..可以少收1元,可是周日小华因有事未能参加,那么他们怎么样买票合算、、 we go home after the rain stops.=we ( ) ( )home ( ) the rain stops. 英语 班规 例如:1.You can't go home late after class.2.You mustn't eat in class we go home after the rain stops.的同义句 he became a dancer when he was 25 years old(改为同义句)he became a dancer___ ___ ___ ___25. How old was he when he became a player?怎么回答?是:When he was 20 years old. 《天天向上》插曲 是首英文歌有 点歌词我还记得好像是有 GO GO GO 几个词 英语新目标九年级全一册所有3a的听力,huanghuilin5@126.com 能不能给我发来人教版新目标九年级的听力(课文和单词) yanfang2309291@126.con 已知:2,-4,6,-8……98,-100,求这50个数的和.快,急 已知2,-,6,-8…,98,-100,求这50个数的和. 已知50个数按规路排列:2,-4,6,-8,,98,-100,试求这50个数的和. 2,4,6,8,-98,100这50个偶数的各位数字之和是【】 已知在一个样本中,50个数据分别落在5个组内,第一、二、三、四、五数据的个数分别是2、8、15、20、5,则第四组频数为 ,频率为 . 成语病句+修改一定要修改在句子中出现的成语运用错误 我叫洁雯啊!帮我起个可爱的英文名字 This is the best film has been shown this year. A. who B. whom C. th 我叫嘉雯,叫什么英文名好? This is one of the best film—— than have been shown this year.为什么? 正常的初中生一天背多少个单词才上学没几天.老师说让下个星期开始听写.我还有90个词不会呢.现在要一天背45个.我觉得晚上记忆力好.也不容易忘.我第一次背这么多,能背完么. 囡囡中文名叫洁雯 想改一个同中文名音较为接近的英文名,