
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 02:19:09
改错 I eat lunch at 12:00. I often eat lunch (at school).(对括号部分提问) phoebe 这个英文名怎样读(用拼音和汉字注上) make 问 are you tourists 与 are your tourists 有什么区别?本人英语菜鸟一枚 my father took me to the park to make me happier翻译成同义句my father took me to the park to ______ me _______ 1.my mother me took my yesterday to park the.2.China the city capital Shanghai is of not .英语连词成句. My father took me home by car yesterday.(同义句) 1.I went to(the park) on Saturday对划线部分提问 2.My mother and father saw me on TV变成一般疑问3.He is going 好 导航仪里的地图卡放到手机里能用吗我的 导航仪 是 征途的 里面三个 地图,我把 导航仪里的 地图卡 拿出来 放到我的手机里《摩托罗拉mt917》能用吗 ,怎么设置,我的手机里本身就有 地图 导 求辩论赛四辩总结陈词,我方是反方 辩题【治贫比治愚更重要】对方立论【1.只有摆脱愚昧才可以发展经济2.治愚是从根本上的摆脱精神贫困才能治贫】 学英语有什么方法 咋学英语啊 求方法 I stayed up until midnight .同义句替换 until midnight i often watched tv until midnight.等于什么 i_____ _____watch tv until midnight I like stay up until midnight watching films有没有错误 She stayed up reading until midnight.stay up 不是不加宾语吗? must not have been;could not have 邓小平爷爷的影响超越时代,超越国界,他不仅属于中国,也属于全世界.这句话的含义. 在一场辩论赛中,我方辩题为"科技使生活更复杂",对方辩题为"科技使生活更简单",我们该如何立论? 辩论赛论题是:在人生道路上应该见好就收.作为一辩,该怎样对这个辩题立论呢?一辩要做些什么? 学英语有哪些方法?我听不懂,记不住,易忘记 把···带到···这句话用英语说是bring ··· to···还是bring ···for···? 关于what开头的句子求what开头的全部句子,样式不一样,越多越好.what开头的问句 bring to.造个句子 what to和how to可以放在句子开头吗?人家说what to和how to是不定式充当宾语,他可以放在开头做主语吗(陈述句或者疑问句)? 新公司起英文名,公司名称“惠邦”拼音huibang,请问用哪个英文单词表示出来比较合适?谐音的或同意的.主要和印刷有关的! 英语翻译 形容内心难过的英文句子 make a BEC和中级口译.考哪个好?想考个英语的证..这两种 考哪个有用些呢? [D26] As a new diplomat,he often thinks of_____he can react more appropriatelyon such occasions.A.that B.when C.what D.how请翻译,并分析.