
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 21:53:21
英语中onion(洋葱)切碎了还可数吗?green onion They said if it doesn't rain,they will go hiking next week.为什么同时出现了好几个时态 He'd like some noodles ()mutton and potatoes.a.and b.with c.about JUST.WAIT. just waiting First they___on the lake A、to boat B、to boating CFirst they___on the lakeA、to boat B、to boating C、boatingD、boats International Journal on Advanced Science,Engineering and Information Technology 是什么杂志啊请问是什么杂志啊,是sci吗?哪个国家出的啊 求一篇2000字左右《Journal of food science》杂志的英文文章, good diet写作文章50danci at the moment一般用于什么时态?这样一道题:His uncle__(enter) the park on the bike at the moment. bunching onion 是什么? onion可不可数同上 My parents are going to move to( )a.quite somewhere b.somewhere quite There [ ] 4 米 from home to school Ais Bare my parents are considering _____( move) to the countryside In addition to rice,we need to __________our diet with fish,and vegetable.选项:a、supplementb、 replacec、addd、eat There [ ] few minutes [ ] Ais left Bare left Cis to left Dare to lef选哪个为什么啊,随便问下 There [ ] 5 dollars 里面谓语用IS还是ARE,我个人认为金钱,时间,长度作主语时要用IS,这里用ARE 用所给首字母填合适单词①We need two good m_____ for our band②Please come to the S____ Sports Center ③China is one of the oldest c___ in the world ④W___ to school is good execise at the moment和 in a moment 用于什么时态 at the moment等于now吗用在什么时态 the moment用在什么时态 for a moment 和for the moment呢 Tom and I go to the ZOO every Sunday 一般疑问句 肯定句 肯否定回答再改一个否定句 Tom and John were go to the park.这个句子有没有错误? ..I watched Tom and Bob ( )the room.I watched Tom and Bob ( )the room.A .go inB .gose intoC .going intoD .to go into I usually do some reading at three for thirty minutes谁能翻译一下at three for thirty minutes What a pity!The film _(be) on for one hour.It doesn't matter.You can see it next time I don't have any butter.I haven't got much butter.这两句是一个意思,但请问much和many是不是一定和…I don't have any butter.I haven't got much butter.这两句是一个意思,但请问much和many是不是一定和have连用,如果前 do you have any butter?跟i don't have any butter这两句分别用到什么语法 你在东京干什么?用英语怎么说 沉静,关怀,忠诚,激动,惊讶,聚集的近义词,新鲜的反义词(这可是我的作业,) at the moment 时态 沉静、沉着的近义词;谦虚、僻静的反义词 沉静的近义词是什么?