
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 03:50:23
用篱笆围成一个长15米、宽12米的菜园,菜园的一面靠墙,最少需要篱笆多少米?最多呢? 求帮忙写出下列课题的计算机检索策略式.文献检索与利用作业1、三聚氰胺毒理学研究进展检索式:2、卫星跟踪技术在鸟类迁徙研究中的应用检索式:3、莫言小说意象研究检索式: 小学三级数学题三年级有三个班,一班、二班人数合是91人,一班、三班人数的和是94人,二班、三班人数的和是93人.一、二、三班各有多少人 18+19+20+21+22+33原式=(18+19)X6除2=123是什么道理是23不是33 小学三级年数学题11+12+13+14+15请用乘法算,怎么写乘法算式46+47+48+49+50+51+52+53+54也用乘法算式,都怎么写呀 :求含11的勾股数,先谢啦! at zhe back of 与behind区别?都是表示在……的后面.它们有什么区别? f(x)=lg(1+2^X+4^X x a)/3,当X∈(-∞,1〕时,f(X)有意义,求a的取值范围. 2x+1.5=4.3 5x-8=12.5 18+4x=21.6 be composed of 、consist of、be made up of 三者的区别我需要的是文字上的论述,不要一味的复制,我真心想弄懂这三者的区别 be composed of与consist of与be made up of三个词组都有由什么组成的意思,具体区别,用法是什么呢? 九百九十九又二十五分之二十四乘以负五怎么算 九百九十九又二十五分之二十四乘负五 consist of和 make up of在用法和意思上有什么不同?比如说什么有无被动.“被组成”“由什么构成”? make up of 和 consist of 的区别 make up of 和 consist of 的区别 是made consisted 抱歉 三分之二的负二次方是多少 函数y=根号[(1-sinX)/(1+sinX)]的周期 behind和at the back of的区别不是都表示在. behind 和at the back of 有什么区别? at the back of 和behind的区别? This is the house where he was born=This is the house in which he was born in =This is the house which he was born in Is this the house ____ Shakespeare was born Is this the house ____ Shakespeare was born A:at which B:which C:in which D:at where为什么?B 是怎么错的? is this the house in which shakespeare was born?中,应在in后面断句,还是in前面断句 This the house where he was born?再那里添in at the back of 和 at back of的不同点 in the front of 和 in front of的不同点 She was born in Suzhou ,in 1982.提问Suzhou,in 1982 at the back of与behind的区别 at the back of和behind有什么区别? didn't know _ was _I was bornI didn't know _ was _I was bornA.that,whenB.that,whatC.that,whereD.what,where我觉得A也可以选呢,想问问这里为什么不选A刚刚复查了新东方的为新概念2打造的全新全绎上,这道题没有抄错 急英语选择i ____in summer A.born B.was born C.have been born D.am born 英语选择题Gina was born __ 1999.Gina was born __ 1999.A.to B.on C.at D.in was怎么查字典没的呢是什么哦 还有象这种年是用哪个单词呢 我不是很理解