
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:24:46
背英语词典可以吗?要上高一了,翻了翻新书,觉得不难.一个单元也就几个单词不认识..找单词特烦,所以我现在都背词典.不想把时间让费在课堂上.中考时116..过两年可能去墨尔本,帮我看看背词 【求助】背英语词典我的英语词典一共有1233页,我想一年背下来,一天应该是背4页差不多,大家觉得可能吗? 这个英语句子对吗?Dongying City is a new city,so everything is fresh and beautiful. 请问这个英语句子对吗是only的一个矩形Only is he strong enough can he participate in that game. 这句话对吗?英语句子如下could you repeat it could you repeat it again repeat 本身就有重复的意思,那么加了again 句子还对吗? 这句英语对吗A student in Class 1 Grade 7.这个“in”用得对吗?我课本上用的是“for” Mr.White often goes out for a walk after supper中有几个介词啊often不是吗 brier是哪里的一个地名?中文翻译又是什么? My father often goes out for a walk rather than ______ (do ) some shopping 说明理由 英语翻译克罗利亚战争中出现过不好意思,是克里米亚战争中出现过 My father often reads newspapers after supper_____ ____your father often____after supper? My father often newspapers after supper.A、watchesB、readsC、seesD、looks at She often goes shopping after supper.(对goes shopping提问)___ ___she often____after supper 超人的英文拼写? 有人学英语背字典的么~可是我算了下一天10个几年也无法背完..又不是只记单词拼写的.. 如何将一本英语字典背出来?高中英语典中典 英语字典是用来背的吗? 背英语字典有何用有什么作用,应该怎样背 关于英文中背字典的问题!背词典的时候要背它的句子吗?比如,我要背单词:hog 字典上有它的例句:In recent years,those who even haven't had primary school education have begun living high off the hog" 近贩年来有些 请看下这几句英语句子对吗1.弟弟今早穿着校服去上学.My young brother went to school in the school uniform this morning.2.下雨真是一件糟糕的事.It is a terrible thing to rains.3.现在看来 ,当时是我错了.Now it seem N D R L O O A E 这几个字母可以组成哪个英文单词呢? 超人,用英语怎么说 "超人'的英语怎么说----谢谢大哥大姐. 超人和作家用英语怎么说? 找对象英文怎么翻译? “超人很寂寞”用英语怎么说? ‘’马上有对象‘’翻译成英语 原来我是超人用英语怎么说 高中生用什么英语词典好?高中生,平常要做适当的扩展牛津高阶感觉太厚 而且里面意思太深 不适合下面哪本比较适合?英语多功能词典牛津中阶朗文 英文这句话对吗?The MAY DAY decided to find a place to watch the people... 这几句英文句子哪里不对啊?The research that Prof Kristoph conducted it in the early 70's constituted a major breakthrough in the area of the thermodynamics.The scientist was delighted to receive a prize which it is given to the most renown 英语单词'the”,“from”在句子中会发生变音和缩读吗?