
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 13:24:56
I'm going to bed after I finished my I'm going to bed after I finished my work.这句话语法对不对 碱胶的碱含量对硅油的粘度有什么影响? 英文“TOP”是什么意思? 我要参加辩论赛,大学谈恋爱利大于弊,大家帮帮我!我要参加辩论赛,题目是:大学谈恋爱,我是正方,我方认为大学谈恋爱利大于弊,反方认为大学谈恋爱弊大于利,请辩论高手赐教! 用适当的连接词完成句子:I asked jack __ or not he would stay with me for a picnic顺便讲解一下为什么 Whom would you rather _____ with you,Jim or Jack?A.have go B.have to goC.have gone D.has to go 为什么说,单个高分子链已具备了高弹性? 【高分子】比较下列三组聚合物的柔性大小,并简要说明理由?A 聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯;B 聚丙烯和聚异丁烯,聚氯乙烯和聚偏二氯 乙烯; C 聚乙烯、氯化聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯 高分子链尾至链尾距离平均一个高分子链尾至链尾的距离是什么?怎么计算? if you like,you can tall him e---- about yourself 也许时间是一种解药,也是我现在所服下的毒药.赏析 “也许时间是一种解药,也是我正服下的毒药”是周杰伦什么歌的歌词? 如果时间是一种解药,也是我现在正服下的毒药.解读一下周杰伦的歌词吧,有点不懂 i said that i could't speak english well 间接引语变直接引语间接引语变直接引语:the doctor told her she had to drink more water 越深水越冷吗物理的水面结冰了,可水底还是暖的,那我家的打水机打起来的水怎么那么冷呢? My English teacher said I could do better (把间接引语改为直接引语) 地下水有多凉 铝合金的拐杖好还是不锈刚的拐杖好? MY VACATION的作文要有1.2个新词 interest.(翻译为汉语) Losing interest in love!中文的意思是什么? 水封泵,什么叫水封泵. 什么力使高分子接合在一起 fernordnung和nahordnung的区别,高分子之间的力 什么是次价力(化学领域的)纤维聚合物往往带有极性基团,以增加次价力,并有较高的结晶能力.请问上述次价力是什么力? my vacation 作文将来 求一篇英语作文 The ____family,比如说 The Sawyer family ,索耶一家人,横线上是姓氏,不少于80个单词 The Fruit 英语5.-You seem to show interest in cooking.5.-You seem to show interest in cooking.-What?_______,I’m getting tired of it.a.On the contrary b.To the contrary c.On the other hand d.To the other hand为什么 为什么高分子链越长,相互作用的分子间作用力越强,强度越高 The book will make you_________ .A.interested B.interest C.interesting D.to interest She would like to know the reason ( ) fewer and fewer students are showing interest in her class.She would like to know the reason () fewer and fewer students are showing interest in her class.A.for B.why C.for that D.whichC为什么改为for which