
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 22:24:59
若a 把一个正方形的一边减少2cm,另一边增加20%,得到一个长方形,它与原来的正方形的面积相等,那么,正方形的边长是多少厘米?(着急求解答) 这句英文是神马意思?神马意思There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept,things we don't want to know but have to learn,and people we can't live without but h 英语好的进来看看这句话是神马意思? 英语 这句话神马意思.3qI asked if its possible to send the two things which are now coming back to you.coming back to me?...any other options? 请把我写的汉语翻译成英语2012年7月22日 星期日 晴今天早上我早早的起床,起床刷完牙洗完脸后,我就和妈妈买饭去了. a²-5a-6≥0这两步怎么化简的 化简√5a^5/6 求曲线xy=a^2在点A(a,a)处的切线方程 用函数导数做 语法题,You can distinguish the twins very easily,_____Tom is quiet while Jack is active.为什么是填for? i am not interested in all--- you have told mea which b that c when d what 语法题 求解析8. The lower _____ in a room, the more slowly our eyes focus.(A) the level of lighting(B) light level(C) leveling of light(D) lighting is level 麻烦 我已有答案,我不需要答案,我需要解析,谢谢各位了 先谢 英语学霸速来 求英语学霸速来. 学霸,很急的,速求,英语 完成对话 英语学霸速来 长方体的体积字母公式是什么 已知a2-5a-1=0,则a2+a2分之1等于多少 已知三角形ABC的内角A,C满足sinC/sinA=cos(A+C),则tanC的最大值为多少? 在△ABC中,已知sinA·[cos(C/2)]^2+sinC·[cos(A/2)]^2=(3/2)sinB,求这个三角形三条边的关系 好看的汉字越奇怪越好,要有读音 怎样写字才好看 —— 汉字笔法与结构 当x∈(1.2)时,不等式x^2+mx+4>0恒成立,则m的取值范围是记住看清楚,是大于号 当x>1时,不等式mx^2+mx+1≥x恒成立,则实数m的取值范围是 sinθ,cosθ 是关于x的方程 x^2-2√2ax+a=0两个根,则实数a的值是? ————————————————语法题——————————————Energy needs are not going to decreasse. Energy sources are not going to incrase.(Use nor and question word order in the second clause,deleting the wor 可能是____词,如果是_____词 几道语法题1.I thought the technician was to blame for the blowing of the fuse,but I see now how I was mistaken.2.For him to be re-elected ,what is essential is not that his policy works,but that the public believe that it is.3.If they will not a 有关语法得一些练习题 128平方分米=()平方米 (用分数) 勾股定理是什么 五十等于什么乘以什么不要根号