
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 20:09:20
求解定义域y=根号下x²-4x+3 讨论函数f(x)=x/tanx的连续性,并判断间断点的性质 f(x)=x/tanx 求此函数的间端点,并判断属于那一类间断点,过程尽量详细 求f(x)=Tanx/x讨论函数连续性.并判断是哪类间断点 x=π/2是函数f(x)=tanx的间断点么? 日全食可以持续多长时间 某公司财务杠杆系数为1.5,每股收益目前为2元.如果其他条件不变,企业息税钱利润增长50%,则每股收益将增长到()元/股 lily didn't come to school yesterday. but all the other student came here(同义句)everyone ----- at school yesterday ---- lily Are all the students here today?的同义句 名字怎么用数字表示?我的名字叫罗丽娟 我的名字叫石东妮,请问网友们东字怎么用数字表示? 我的名字 叫张家瑞 怎么用数字表示名字 取pH为4的盐酸溶液1ml稀释到100ml后在稀释100倍,求PH,为什麽是6.99? 求将十毫升PH=5的盐酸稀释到100mL 10000mL溶液的PH y=x/tanx,x=0,x=pai/2,x=pai为函数的间断点,这些间断点属于什么类型 现有PH=2的盐酸100ml,使它变为PH=3的盐酸加入蒸馏水 b加入PH=4的稀盐酸,则下列说法正确的A加入蒸馏水的体积比加入稀盐酸的体积大B加入稀盐酸的体积比加入蒸馏水的体积大C加入蒸馏水的体 x=π/2是函数f(x)=x/tanx的什么间断点 希望大大么能举例说明下怎样用导数求切线斜率! 我的名字叫郑小东,设计一下我的签名,怎样写好看? 47.They were interested __________ you told them.A.in which B.in that C.all that D.in everything 3. The students were all interested ____ you told them yesterday. A. in which B. in that this C. al3. The students were all interested ____ you told them yesterday. A. in which B. in that this C. all that D. in everything the students were all interested __ you told them yesterday.A in which B in that this C all that D希望有具体的想法过程,The students were all interested ____you told them yesterday.A in which B all that C in everything 不好意思,前面 日全食具体时间8月1日.深圳看得到日全食吗?具体时间是什么? 2009年日全食是什么具体时间?具体 我的名字的最后一个字可以哪个数字代替? 20.I’m going to spend my holiday in Beijing,_____ live my old parents.A.which B.that C.where D.there为何选C holiday,you,going,where,on,are?连词成句是? Where are you going ____the holiday?A of B for holiday C to holiday D on holiday 还有,根据所给提示,回答为题.where are you going this holiday?(Beijing) summer holiday 以my plan for the coming summer holiday 为题写一篇小短文 描述自己即将到来的计划 不少于40单词 数字程控电话交换机的256门,