
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:31:37
I often hear Tony ___ English with his friends at school.A.speak B.speaks C.to speak D.speaking为什么选A?理由. draw your friend3年级的一个英语是问中文意思 Your pen is longer than _.A her B she C hers D mymy parents doctors _.a.are all b.are both c.all are d.both are the blue pen is_hers__ (she).2 Are the red pencils_your__(you)?为什么?不是her,your吗?he blue pen is_hers__ (she).2 Are the red pencils_yours__(you)?为什么?不是her,your吗?为什么这么填? 14. Although the first part of the book is easy, the rest ______.A. are difficult B. has proved difficultC. is supposed difficult D. have been found difficult为什么选B而不选A或别的?为什么这本书的剩余部分不用复数 The first three of the five chapters in the book___very easy,but the rest__difficult.A is,are B are,is I read some chapters and ___ the rest of the book. 翻译:The king's Elephant-keeper had a Dog,who often went into the house where the king's Elephant lived. 一句话,伤一人心翻译成英文 The___news____us and we were____at it.A.surprised;surprised;surpeising B.surpeising;surpeising;surprisedC.surprised;surprising;surprisingD.surprising;surprised;surprised选什么,为什么? The object became ________ suddenly and we were all surprised to see it disappear.(visit) --whatwould i do here--just put all the things___they wereAwhenBwhereCwhoseDwhhich 为什么有的人可以长到七米高吗?陶渊明说他见过一个身高七米的人,一个手指都有一般人的腰粗,是怎么长的? We were surprised that we got________(两倍的人)to ask for this position. 一个人的身高是1.8米,要想在平面镜中看到自己的全身像,至少应买多少米高的穿衣镜 Here ____(come) a bus.I don't know ____ first.A.what id to do B.what should i do.C.what i shouldHere ____(come) a bus.I don't know ____ first.A.what i to do B.what should i do.C.what i should do D.what do [急]关于cry over split milk这是覆水难收的意思,我要知道它的由来.听说里面有个典故的,知道的请指教,要英语说法的由来 从三米高的地方跳下来会不会有什么事 怎样在3米高的地方跳下没事能不能教我,我想问的是怎样跳,怎么跳 2米高的地方跳下来脚后跟有点痛 怎么办 脚没歪 就是脚后跟着地 人最多能从几米高的地方跳下而不受伤?落地时没一点事~要真实的 He does not do well ______ pE.Is there a cat _____ the door. wang bing can ___volleyball very well. Look,Wang Bing is____(swim,swimming)fast选词填空 买椟还珠中你对郑人楚人做如何评价? Jack can( ) (swim) well.he is good at ( ) (swim) John swims better than I,but he doesn't swim as well as Mike 为什麼用well 不用good? (1)My brother__(swim) very well .he is a good__.(swim) (2)At last liuxiang became the__(win)(3)Let him__(go)__(run).(4)Some boys talk about an___(有趣)flim.(5)Tom is a p___ boy.(6)Do you know these ___(play) names? How is Jim?He is well.为什么回答不用good,而用well? 画龙点睛让我明白了什么道理 I need to push myself请问这句话是什么意思呢, 我们英语老师每天总是第一个到校.Our English teacher is always___ ___ ___get to school every day