
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:45:02
11. The bus stop ______ in 1999. A. was built B. will be built C. built D. will build 为什么答案是B thy are going to have the serviceman _an electric fan in the office tomorrowa,install b ,to install c,to be install d,installed 单选题 .1.They are going to have the serviceman ______an electric fan in the office romorrow .A .单选题 .1.They are going to have the serviceman ______an electric fan in the office romorrow .A .install B.to install C.to be install D .installed2 are going to have the service man _ an eletric fanThey are going to have the service man _ an eletric fan in the office tomorrow.A.installB.to installC.to be installedD.installed想问问这题答案为什么是A,我根据have sb done选了D 关于九子夺嫡的问题1,十三阿哥胤祥从什么时候让康熙软禁十年的?为什么啊 2,太子胤礽两次被废在什么时候?为什么被废?3,九位阿哥何时封为贝勒的?4,九位阿哥幼时分别住在哪里?有谁抚养?5, 关于水浒传的提纲式读书笔记,1500字左右 阅读下面水浒传片段,按原文填空______听到他的说话声,把他的面孔审视一遍,一把抱住他,不住的亲啊,摇啊,哭啊,叫啊,蹦蹦跳跳,又是唱歌又是跳舞,任何人见到这情景都不禁要感动得落下眼泪. I want to go to a place whereis far away from Hangzhou which I like very much.用中文怎么说 but then is srart raining a little so we decide to take the train 1.a little now and a little then 2.little now and little then 3.never now and 4.then now and then上面的四种表达都是正确的吗?有什么区别? a little now and a little My home is a little far away from Hainan,I d_to go there by air first,then take the bus to the hote ________ are they going to do tomorrow they________ are they going to do tomorrow they are going _______ football.A what ,to play b where ,play c when,play 英语翻译很喜欢这首歌,I follow the MoskvaDown to Gorky ParkListening to the wind of changeAn August summer night Soldiers passing byListening to the wind of changeThe world is so closing in Did you ever thinkThay we could be so close,like br 历史上 九子夺嫡是一个什么故事? Colours of the wind的歌词在哪儿下啊?有没有ENGLISH高手给个翻译,我真的是爱死了这首歌……3楼的,你的最后一段歌词给错了,是梵妮莎那个版本的,谢谢!会不会毁容,那要看怎么翻译,所以 历史上的清朝真的有过九子夺嫡吗? 填词:金石为( )( )官许愿&人定胜( )( )落石出填起来要是城市名, 填成语组成城市名 :1安如泰()()子捧心 2 金石为()()官许愿3饮马长()()山日薄 _____you decide to take up,you should try to make it a success .A whatever B whenever C unlessD if only 说明理由并翻译一下 12.—— you decide to do ,you should try to make it a success.A.If only B.Unless C.Wherever D.Whatever为什么是选择D,. take you the success还是make you the success?take you the success?还是make you the success? You should take _______ of this opportunity and try to make a good impressioA.careB.advantageC.chargeD.place 填地名成语,金石为()()官许愿,十万火急 根据句意、首字母及汉语提示填写单词.You should get a small pet ,like a ____(金鱼).要翻译 Big animals can be a lot of trouble.Maybe you shoul get a small pet like a goldfish.A.Good idea B.Not at all C.Well done D.Congratulations 金鱼和goldfish哪个先有呢?是中国人看见了老外的goldfish后将其翻译成了“金鱼”,还是老外看见中国的“金鱼”,再将其翻译成了“goldfish”呢?还是中国人和老外心有灵犀都不约而同的将其命名 金鱼不好养 Goldfish easy 替.接电话 ,英语怎么说? RT build 和 building有什么区别 英语翻译我叫肖尧,我的生日时1992年8月25日,我来自吉林我家在中国的北面,我家有三口人分别是父母和自己,我是西班牙语的学生,我喜欢动漫!下面我介绍一下我的家,我家住在3楼,我家有一个房 Do you live far away from the museum where you work 中where引导的是什么从句?