
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:58:43
句子,求翻译.不要百度的,翻不通.Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud of who and what you are and the environment will begin to support you. 一溜三棵杨,十马都拴上.请问一棵树上拴几匹马?每个字都很关键哦! 英语翻译I gave in --- and Julie learned the power of the written word.Over the next few years,Julie and I exchanged notes about boys,homework,phone calls and helping with housework.Some notes were apologies after shouting matches.Others were just 关于整个句子的意思,特别是AS引导的状语从句的意思,新概念第二册书上有这么一句话:A small fishing boat was carried miles out to sea by the powerful fish as it pulled on the line.\上句中as it pulled on the line这 smoke里面o发什么音出音标 【辨音,】doctor orry mobile smoke划线都是o,doctor的o是第1个还有:dear pear near bear划线是ear第一个是“sorry”,错了 list'什么意思 abbreviations-list是什么意思 decides的英语翻译 clear什么颜色? clear color 是什么颜色啊?客户给的颜色就是clear,清晰的颜色也还是不知道是什么颜色啊!是不是就是透明的? 请教什么是Sears Account, There_____a lot of snow in Harbin this week.A.has B.are C.is D.have 为什么选C one chile policy why need a question? Now I suggest we go up and visit the bridge for a good look there .人工翻译下 加油 的英文 怎么说?除了 go go go &up up and away so-called modernization so-called,意思? 英文怎么说,在最重要的位置!我想说我没有任何理由,让你继续在我心目中最重要的位置或者我没有任何理由,让你继续在我内心的最深处应该会用到 still 这个词 我也希望用到这个词! 课文《春》中的“密密地斜织着”的“织”字照应上句什么的比喻?“雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天.可别恼.看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着,人家屋顶上全笼着一层薄烟.” 担任..的职务的英文 有一个边长为6米的正方形草地,在相邻的两条边的中点各有一棵树,树干上各栓一只羊,羊绳长3米,请你算一算,这两只羊都不能吃到草地的面积是多少平方米?(得数精确到十分位) ”过去曾经是”(担任某职务)的英文怎么说啊? 职务及任职时间 英文怎么说 英语翻译比如啊 李 会翻译成Lee 那种的额 好听一点的 英语翻译The European Commission has recently organised a High-level Meeting,to discuss how Europe’s LeaderSHIP 2015 strategy for the industry needs to be reviewed to face the new challenges the crisis brings.请问哪个needs to be reviewed 是 英语翻译照顾好自己 我会一直支持你!加油! 天,灵,九,动,4个字怎么组成成语拜托各位大神 they can c______ their sons and d_____ in their p_____.上面描写的是袋鼠求因填词 连词成句英语new,are,the,Changchun,cars,made,in CALLED .CALL的过去式 怎么发音是[kaold] 还是 [kao-id]