
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 03:58:42
90X40=72%x(90+2x)x(40+2x)求解 已知,9^x+1-3^2x=72,求X的值 0.8×(100-x)-0.2x=78需过程 若圆x²+y²+2x-4y+1=0上的任意一点关于直线2ax-by+2=0 (a,b属于正实数)的对称点仍在圆上,则1/a+2/b的最小值是! Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. 若圆x²+y²+2x-4y+1=0上的任意一点关于直线2ax-by+2=0(a,b∈R+)的对称点仍在圆上,则1/a+2/b的最小值为 4√2.2√2.3+2√2.3+4√2 Count not your chickens before they are hatched是起源于一个西方的故事的吧.有人知道其具体出处么 do not count your chickens before they ate hatched. 请问:Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Don't count your chickens before they're hatched用英语解释. x+yz=7 xy+z=5 xz=y=5 xyz=? 虎鲸是吃什么东西的?虎鲸是海洋里多种鲸的其中一种! 虎鲸怎么吃东西 虎鲸需要吃东西需要用牙齿么?=.= 求方程解:x与0.7的乘积比X少2.7 求圆x2+y2-4=0与圆x2+y2-4y-12=0的公共弦的长 在圆x2+y2+2x-4y=0内,过点(0,1)的最短弦所在直线的弦长是多少RT 我算出来这直线k=1 求那个弦长 前苏联怎样对抗德国的入侵 关于X的方程(A-1)X方+x+a方-1=0的一个根是0,则a的值是? McFly翻译成中文翻译McFly的One for the Radio歌词,歌词如下:Here's another song for the Radio!Life isn't fair for the people who careStick your nose in the air and that's how you go farSo go tell your lovers, your fathers and brothersYou Brian Johnson的here is love 英文歌词及中文文翻译 虎鲸有什么特点,快说 求解这道题!拜托!快! 虎鲸的生活习性 除了箭头上的高是3cm、箭头下的长是6cm,以外全是1cm. (2a)³﹣6a³(a³﹢2a²﹢a)(x﹣1)(x﹢2)﹢(﹣x﹢1)(x﹣3)还有一题(2x)³×(﹣2y³)÷﹙16xy²)答得好再加5分! 虎鲸生活习惯 people hear christmas songs on the radio,in stores,and even__street cornors.A.on B.at C.in选哪个 in the radio和on the radio有什么区别? You are in my head like a song on the x—0.8x=0. 多项式x^4-(2a+1)x³+(b+2)x²-5x+1不含x³和x²,则ab等于多少?