
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 01:03:31
英语翻译“千里马还是需要伯乐来鉴赏的”,这句话该怎么说才地道呢? 两张凳子八条腿阅读市委书记金地一进家门,就发现家中的气氛与往常不同.比他早回家半个小时的妻子正在生闷气.于是,他故意把口吻放得轻松些:“老婆子我回来了!” 妻子转过身:“人家 两张凳子八条腿阅读题市委书记金地一进家门,就发现家中的气氛与往常不同.比他早回家半个小时的妻子正在生闷气.于是,他故意把口吻放得轻松些:“老婆子我回来了!” 妻子转过身:“人 两张凳子八条腿阅读答案市委书记金地一进家门,就发现家中的气氛与往常不同.比他早回家半个小时的妻子正在生闷气.于是,他故意把口吻放得轻松些:“老婆子我回来了!” 妻子转过身:“ 现在大陆与台湾关系怎样 台湾现在是我国的省份吗?台湾和大陆到底是什么关系? Mary and her classmates are going a social stMary and her classmates are going a social studies field trip.这道题填什么呢? mary is going to visit the west lake.----- ----- is mary going to visit?the west lake划线-------是空格 Tony and Mary is going to have a picnic 这句话错在哪里? They and I are going to the garden.这里谓语动词应该是are,但如果是I and the classmates呢?是否也涉及就近原则?The teacher and her students are in the classroom.The students and their teacher is in the classroom.感觉上后一个 六年级口语交际《辩论:讲诚信与善意的谎言》(正方) 六年级上第2单元口语交际辨论:讲诚信与善意的谎言 台湾海峡两岸整天评论有什么意义?发生都发生了,整天都在评~评了又有什么用呢? 《两张凳子八条腿》阅读答案(一道题)市委书记金地一进家门,就发现家中的气氛与往常不同.比他早回家半个小时的妻子正在生闷气.于是,他故意把口吻放得轻松些:“老婆子我回来了!” 两张凳子八条腿1.老婆子我回来了,是谁回来了?这是谁说的?2.“金书记,特制两张小凳送上,望笑纳.八条腿如此安排, The students help the old man clean his house e______ week.应该填什么 Where is my It ( )Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago. A.was B.were C.are D.had been答案是A,说是指代整件事.能解释一下,再举个选B的例子么 IT WERE MIKE AND MAY WHO HELPED THE OLD MAN SEVERAL DAYS AGO为什么用WERE不用WAS 【选择】 ( )Mike and Mary who helped the old man seveal day ago.( were / was / are / had been)这题选什么,理由是. She __(visit)China befor Has she visited China before?为什么用现在完成时?参观是一个动作,为什么不用一般过去时呢?还是要结合语境? barren很多解释,最常用的是哪个意思?不要复制词典解释 “我是来日常的”是什么意思? desirable最常用的意思是什么麻烦大家只要一个意思 最常用的就好 U can touch my body什么意思这什么意思?250分! 英语翻译谁知道呢来顶下谢谢大侠们! you should close the window after you go out and_____it when you are back. do you remember —— (close) the window before we came out? 传统教育的主要思想是什么? 人们常用“苍耳”比喻什么?或什么样的人(精神要有积极意义) Shirley( )a book about China last year but I don't konw whether she has finished it.A.has written B.wroteC.had writtenD.was writing要有理由.而且最好能够说明它考的是哪方面的知识点.