
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 07:53:30
The novel is written in everyday English,so it _______ real to many peopleA.feels B.seems C.looks D.sounds选择D 为什么?怎么翻译? The requested URL /files/article/html/62/62159/3564424.html was not found on this server. Many people think that going___the customs is a real headche.A.through B.by C.over say that you will certainly do or not do something the first Korean to you is me中文的意思 The war was declared over 中文 war的 中文意思是 英语翻译我英语不好. I am happy that you are coming .Let me ______you the way __my house. I'm happy that you are coming .Let me ( ) you the way ( )my house.选择题Atell,of B say,to Cspeak,of Dshow,to 改病句 This is my a cup this is my a cup病句修改 求以i结尾的女英文名,不是读音,是字母!最好共五个字母 R字开头的英文名,y结尾 不要太长,五个字母就好 是女生的 加上读音、意思 Isn't it amazing how the human body heals ___after an injury?A.himself B.him C itself D.it为什么不选A? An “evening person”,on the other hand,has a body temperature that rises slowly.It doesn’t hit its high point until mid—afternoon,when this person feels best.根据这么一段话An “evening person” feels best in the mid—afternoon,这句 我叫肖飞,请帮我起个英文名字,希望名字有fei的发音,万谢希望能是表达快乐,善良,开朗,热心的. Suddenly a fox came out ___behind a tree.A.at B.in C.from D.with came came real 与came ture 的区别 用came out造句 干肉皮1千克 用油涨发为5千克的半成品.此过程耗油200克.已知干肉皮是5元/千克、油5.6元/千克、油5.6元/千克.求50克油发肉品的千克.真心不会解答了上课老师讲也没听懂.据说公式是 无味半制 我想知道鸡舞团里面好人的概率 还有魔兽世界里面好人的概率 Mike sits on her right,Jim sits on her left(同义句转换) jim sist on my left.Julie sits on my rijht .(写出同义句)以I为主语 教教我吧.求求你们.好人,紫藤萝瀑布.但是我没有摘.我没有摘花的习惯.我只是伫(zhù)立凝望,觉得这一条紫藤萝瀑布不只在我眼前,也在我心上缓缓流过.流着流着,它带走了这些时一直压在我心 598683019 qq 古诗默写填空:___________,无力蔷薇卧晓枝. 古诗:芒鞋破钵无人识,踏过--第几桥!青暾溪畔龙钟客,独立东风看--.有情--含春泪,无力蔷薇卧晓枝木末--花,山中发红萼.--相对阿谁栽,细雨无人我独来.此有--禅老家.请各位帮我完成上面诗句, On the pros and cons of Multimedia English.求翻译? 固执与坚持有什么区别? 用 hear of 造句