
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 15:09:19
No.But she's good with her sousin.对这句话提问 用上(Susan,sister) 请问:成语:以德报怨的意思? 花美丽的颜色往往是花冠的颜色,决定桃花颜色的物质主要存在于花瓣细胞的_______中.从花蕊着生情况看,桃花属于________.给出理由, 作文:白衣天使,我想对你说 仁爱版.Section D 我看到一个动图,画面是一个女天使靠近一个白色雕像,雕像忽然回头看了天使一眼把她吓了一跳,天使扇了下翅膀把旁边一男的给打翻了..,求片名. 谁能给出一个能证明【物质决定意识】的实例?亲们... 亲们,谁能给出【物质决定意识】的实例呢? 仁爱今年初二英语满分多少 i won’t give up.i will be strong,even if it will goes wrong. I won't give up 歌词Jason Mraz中英文对照歌词 I won't give in ,I can't give up . Never give up ang you will be successful同义句转换=______on______what you like and you will be successful 类似Never give up and you will be successful Be quickly,or you will be late 的是什么句? 英语 fail to win the gamefail to win the game请问:Mary wrote an article on ___ we all agreed to accept it.A.why B.what C.who D.that应选什么?为什么?并翻译一下 fail to win the game. Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed to win the game句子分析.Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed to win the game.这个句子中on why the team had fail是作定语还是状语. Mary wote an article on___the team had failed to win the game.A.Why B.What C.Who D.That答案选A,可是为什么D不可以? mary wrote an article on ___the team had failed to win the game.为什么不能选Da whyb whatc whod that为什么不选取D Look at their school bags,their full.错在哪里? 英语单选To our disappointment,the trip we had been looking forward to【 】in a heavy rain.A,startingB,start,C,to start,D.started. To our disappointment,the trip we had been lookTo our disappointment,the trip we had been looking forward to startted in the pouring rain.请翻译句子, 举例说明什么叫物质奖励,什么叫精神奖励? Don't worry.Everthing will be all right.请翻译 我想找物质决定意识的案件,最好是著名事件.1,物质的含义——物质是不依赖于人的意识,并能为意识所反映的客观实在.(1)关于"物质"的性质:客观实在性是物质的唯一特性.(运动是物质的根本 翻译英文Found out that our love is just a gorgeous game does not love me why do we need with me She helps doctors and patients_her work.填写? She helps doctors and patients_her work.填写?填in还是with呢?为什么? She helps doctors and patients 答句它的答句 wears,and,she,white,helps,a,uniform,doctors连词成句 英语翻译我们从星期一到星期五都要上课。是Our( ) ( )is from monday to Friday.括号里加什么? Our holiday is from ( ) ( ) to ( )( ).从一月十九到二月十九 【翻译】 most of our classes如何翻译?