
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 19:12:43
【送分题】the plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.l有两个现在进行时的特例把我搞糊涂了1、新概念2第七课的the plane was late and detectives (were waiting )at the airport all morning这 the plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all moring这句话为什么用过去进行时 i'm finished it i have finished it的区别是什么 When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while .后面用个some detectives可以不?后面用while什么意思? --Just a moment,I have not finished packing my suitcase.--____.It is high time we left for theairport.A Go ahead B Take it easy C hurry up怎么回事?high 在给自己取英文名的时候有没有必要让英文命首字母和中文名字拼音首字母相同?比如我,中文名是Jiping,这是名字,没有姓,那么我起英文名字的时候需不需要以J开头?据说这样是为了在国外需要 我叫方思敏,谁帮我起个英文名?要跟名字一样的.不要用拼音.我讲方思敏,女生.谁帮我起个英文名?要跟名字一样的.不要用拼音. i just finished ___ my homework.a dob to doc doing d does Kangkang was taking some photos while we were playing together.这句对吗? Sally _____(took / was taking)many photos while we were playing together.横线上应填什么?请解释. Kangkang was taking some photoes while we were playing together. 这句话成立吗? wang wei ---- (took ,was taking)many photos while we were playing together.选择 为什么while不是引导两个同时进行的动作. I can't fall asleep. 用正确时态改写下列句子There was a lond sound.We were listening to some music.(while) 什么动物最冷血 怎么区分单词音节,重读开音节,比如laber,agent,vacant,这些单词是单音节还是双音节,是不是看有几个元音字母决定?还有怎么看哪个音节要重度?第一个单词错了,是label 怎样分辨单词中哪个是重读音节,哪个不是呢?比如 technical吧.音标是['teknikel] 应该分成 tech ni cal 还是 tech nical呢? 帮忙看下.知道哪个我就知道怎么分拉.谢谢了.是不是重读音节,在音标前面那 我英语很烂高三了谁能给我点建议,现在零基础,怎么能补上去能考70来分就可以, 怎样在单词中辨认重读音节与非重读音节? 虚拟语气句子分析If properly handled,it may become a driving force.(如果处理得当,它将会变成一种驱动力) 这应是一个虚拟语气的句子,但按照虚拟语气的规则什么句子要用may而不是might? 请问,判断一个单词有几个音节,是根据这个单词的音标里面的元音数量,而不是这个单词本身元音的多少是吗另外三个鼻辅音【m,n,l】不考虑 为什么loudly是多音节的词语,不是只有两个元音吗? 单词 一个音节由一个元音组成的是这样吗?如 :necessary 三个音节组成 其中的每小个音节都有一个元音. 双音节词和双元音有什么联系 人称代词宾格?人称代词宾格谁知道有些啥啊? 生活化 英语怎么说star love china 不会就不要乱答,要翻译,不是查字典! 请问这句话是虚拟语气吗?he would have paid twice much as for the house if the salesgirl had insisted because he really wanted it那天我查看if引导的虚拟语气的语法内容。说在主句中的should只用于第一人称,would可 这句话是虚拟语气吗Our teachers believe that if we did that,we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.“if we did that”,有人说之所以用did,是因为这句话是虚拟语气,请帮我分析下if we did that,we would... 虚拟语气句子he wished he hadn't done it.这句虚拟句子中,wish为什么用过去式? 一个关于虚拟语气的句子if i were a president,i will put you into a prison.这是我的一本口语书上的话,其中出现了很多类似的情况:从句用过去式,但主句用的是情态动词的现在式.好多语法书上都说只 这个句子是用的虚拟语气么?As if she find out that you've lost her books这个句子是正确的么?如果是这句是虚拟语气么?请说明下句子结构