
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 05:09:25
The lady with glasses is my teacher.中的with glasses对划线部分提问应该是什么句子The lady with glasses is my teacher.其中的with glasses 划了线,怎么提问? she is tall and with a pair of glasses改病句 什么是语言智能请问语言智能对于宝宝来说具体该如何开发锻炼呢? hostilities和war的区别? The girl with glasses is my sister对the girl with glasses划线提问可是is前面有两根横线 The girl with glasses is my sister.________ is a nurse.A.She B.He C.You D.I the girl with a hat is my sister对不对 The girl __glasses is my sisterA:in B:withc:wearsD:on Japan confronts truth about its germ warfare tests on prisoners of war,求标题翻译,谢谢~ warfare是什么职业? 苹果手机怎么设置智能的英语词 "智慧"一次用英语表达哪个更合适?别粘贴别人的,别光靠搜索,认真的思考下.思考+搜索答案一定要是褒义的.比如:富有创造性的智慧 大智慧 智慧风暴 好的头脑有好的智慧我就这么多分,不好 带有春字的成语 带有春字的成语(10个)! the girl with glasses is in 为什么用“with”? The girl _____glasses is my friend A.has B.with C.in D.wearsDon't forget to bring your homework to school(改为同义句)____________ _______bring your home work to school The little girl ___ glasses,and she likes the dog __ two big ears.A.wears,have B.wears,withC.wears,has D.has,has 选择并语法说明 The girl( )glasses is ( )red.第一个空用with还是in?还有第二个空用with还是in?为什么? 中国智慧语言特点?中国智慧这本书的语言表达形式,语言锤炼有何特别之处? 集体主义植根于大多数东方国家 用英语怎么说? 话和我比比智商 编程问题请问如果编程(C VB 等等)连续10个月不去看它 碰他 不写程序 不看书 会不会全部忘记? C#编程问题Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime; 用C写个编程输入一个完全由数字组成的字符串,从字符串的第一个字符开始,每两个数字作为两位整数,存放在一维整型数组中,如果最后只剩一个数字,则将该字符作为一个整数存放在数组中.试 word文档,c语言答案,C语言课后题编程答案编写程序,把560分钟换算成用小时和分钟表示,然后进行输出.#includemain(){int h,m;h=560/60;m=560%60;printf(“560分钟可转换成%d小时%d分钟”,h,m);}请问 为什么不 将下列简单句改为宾语从句.1.He's gone to Hunan.I forgot.______________________________________2.She said,"They are waiting for a bus."______________________________________3.Whose bag is it?Do you know._____________________________________ 下图表示硝酸钾的溶解度曲线,10°C时,硝酸钾的溶解度是21克,50°C时硝酸钾的溶解度为86克试问:用科学格式计算出来,并写出来.)(1)A点的涵义是什么?(2)在50°C时93克硝酸钾饱和溶液冷却 fight,war,combat怎么区分rt fight和argue的区别.同上.请问fight with可以表示和…吵架吗. 四、将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句.(1)These flowers are from Guangdong.He said.He said ___________ these flowers ______________ from Guangdong.(2)Light travels faster than sound.My teacher told me.My teacher told me __ 英语翻译重写的程序Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536KTotal Submit:54 Accepted:24 Description Recently Doctor Guan has discovered two new kinds of bacteria and named them BT-U and BT-V .BT-U and BT-V are quite special,they can only live wit 将句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句.接下来是详细提问.1.These flowers are from Guangdong.He saidHe said__those flowers___from Guangdong.我填的是 that were 4.Can they speak French?I want to know.I want to know__ __ __ __(四