
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 15:27:28
生存战争动物不掉肉 You ought to have helped him with his Englis,( 2.We ought to help each other in our work,( 为什么前面用shouldn't you后面用oughtn't we?有什么区别么 选项里是shouldn't 和 oughtn't都有啊,肯定有区别 你有欢乐假期数学的答案?高一的 有请发给我544217005@qq.com 1.Be quick!There are only ten minutes_______.A.to remain B.remainedC.remaining D.to leave2.It is what you do rather than what you say _______matters.A.that B.whatC.which D.this3.Please _____that this bill must be paid within 2 weeks.A.notice B.noteC. 生存战争用什么杀动物最快 真的话,再给100奖励 开心15天精彩寒假巧计划 酱油请绕有的话我会给Q 同样的字母,大小写不同,意思也不一样了:例子:大写:May(三月)小写:may(可以)就是一个单词大写,是三月;字母相同,变成小写,就成了“可以”.请告诉我一个跟这个一样意思的词组( The news that a girl student was pregnant has provoked much discussion in school.这句话没有错误吧?我认为是没有的!还有,这是个同位语从句吧? this is the___ (one) English lesson 用所给单词的适当形式填空 请教关于dare 这个词的用法dare能作为情态动词与实义动词,但是有一个地方我一直混淆.比如dare to do something 这一个用法当中,dare到底是作为情态动词还是实义动词来使用的? 动词能加不定式吗? dare的详细用法,及相关短语 怎么写,1、2 呵呵,好 关于DARE的英语题Mary came into the house nervously,____to lift her head.A.not daringB daredn'tC daring not D didn't dareWhich one to choose?Give me the reason,please.Thank you! dare 的用法为我介绍一下dare的用法...第一题The little child () go out alone at night,so he ()walk in the dark that night.A.daren‘t ,didn’t dare toB.doesn't dare ,dare notC.isn‘t dare to,dared not toD.doesn't dare to,dare n 生存战争动物怎样才会刷新一次?我打死了一头野外的牛,获得它肉以后,睡了一晚上再也没见到它了 fax的汉语意思,coat的汉语意思 find your lover from here! 中文是什么意思 求一篇用英语写的notice coat of arms的中文意思求解答 这张NOTICE是你贴出来的?用英语怎么说? 关于英语单词 notice when I was not notice 趁我不注意 notice可以做名词和动词,上面句子中是做什么用法 我们班长在黑板贴了个通知 翻译成英语 用到notice 《草原上的小木屋》读后感 He suggested holding a meeting and it suggested that he ( was interested)in our plan.为什么括号里不填 should be interested? The books seem heavy _____.A.to be carried B.to carryC.to be carrying D.to have carried .and come(过去式) out to find the bike missed.我在纠结到底把miss当vt or vi 总之这句话肯定有错,我也是这样改的!答案直接把miss 改成missing 当作vi 主动表被动 但我查字典,vi的意思解释不通!所以 我觉 Coat的中文 dare 的 用法 dare的用法? dare的相关用法和特殊用法 若一个三角形有且只有一条对称轴,则该三角形的三条边中什么边相等