
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 10:31:40
i went to (the zoo)last friday 对括号里提问 (1/2)这是一首女声英文歌,整首歌曲挺有气势的.高潮部分第一句歌词是:I've been waiting for you …...(1/2)这是一首女声英文歌,整首歌曲挺有气势的.高潮部分第一句歌词是:I've been waiting for you … 随地吐痰为什么是不好的习惯为题写100字作文 有机化学中,能与盐酸反应的官能团有哪些?一定要全, shi is ___this afternoon A:doing shop B:going to do her shopping C:do to her shop D:go shoppingshi 改为she C:go to her shop 以Last week,I went to .为题写短文 I am going (shopping ) with my mum this this afternoon.对括号内提问 烤箱内温达140摄氏度,烤制物体没有温度是怎么回事 有谁知“i've been waiting,i've been searching for a beautiful woman like you.”的歌名? 现有物质A-I的转化关系如下图,若B高手的分子式为C8H10O其苯环上的一元取代物只有两种:G为高分子化合物,请回答下列问题; 题网页上一搜就有,我化学不好,请哪位老师告我(2)的方程式以及 请说明以下图是什么 He ()(not teach)us English in our school. 求丘吉尔『没有永远的敌人,也没有永远的朋友…………』英文原句、原句如题 I HAVE NO IDEA WHEN HE——GET BACK——THE USA(根据句意填写单词) 温度200度以内双开门大烘箱什么方式加热最均匀? when you have a high fever ,please --------on the bed and have a good rest.(填上合适的词,限一词) 干燥箱的温度调节可以精确到什么程度? There isn't anything in the box.同义句改写 There.isn't.anything in the bowl (同义句转换) There ( )( )in the bowl thoes are my aunt改为一般疑问句 When do you have ( )A a math B an math C the math D a math class when do you have twitter There is nothing in the backpack= There in the backpackThere is nothing in the backpack改为同义句 When Harry_____(have)breakfast Lily_____(telephone)him. she is of the two.A the cleverest B the clevererC the cleverD cleverest 2015年真的是世界末日吗,听净空法师说滴不知道是不是真的《和谐拯救危机》,你们可以去看看滴 但是因果又是啥个意思 我真的好怕怕,但是还有点怀疑,到底是不是真的你们真的看过这个吗, 世界末日真的有吗? 2015年会世界末日吗?我会被车撞死吗我才20岁啊我好担心我哪天被车撞死因为我老是有这个预感还有我曾经预感到的事情都发生了! 有一首歌的歌词是“i teach you french , but you cannot speak it well”,求歌名如题,歌词有一句是“i teach you french , but you cannot speak it well”,是男女对唱的,不是Sarah Connor的French Kissing,求歌名,谢谢. 谁能提供一些有关电影good will hunting的音乐?谁能提供有关该电影的背景音乐? 美国哪里可以买到money order "she is the same age as you.我觉得应该是:she is in the same age as you,要不然不就是这个"she is the age"也成立了?可是这句明明不成立,she is in the age才说得过去.我弄错了,确实不是in 是at,不过,去掉at以