
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:51:27
《堂吉诃德》主要讲了什么内容?主人公的人物性格介绍一下哈~ prefer doing sth to doing sth 的用法~ prefer doing sth.to doing sth 是一个还短语是两个短语?是prefer doing sth.和 prefer to doing sth.还是 就是prefer doing sth.to doing sth 说错了 句型 哪个是对的呢?是分开的还是prefer doing sth.to doing sth?要简明 prefer后是跟doing sth to sth ---Susan,you will come and watch TV,won’t you?---____.I prefer reading to ____television.\x05A.No; watch \x05B.No; watching C.Yes,watch D.Yes; watching I have a long neck______ small eyes.应该选and还是but? 用am,is,are和have,has填空 she long hair and big eyes.LiLi and lucy many firends in canada.还有his brother big eyes.my mocher a small mouth.my facher a teacher,he a car,lt nice,l a car,but l some toy cars. There are some water and mike on the table.改错 What do you think “anxious” ______?A、 mean B、 means C、 meaning D、 meant我觉得是B What do you think "joy"_ A.meant B.means C.meaning D.mean There is no ---------- of finding out what happened A mean B means C meaning D meant 为什么, what( )it( A:is meaning B:does means C:do mean 为什么?理由,证明,笔记说明理由,最好有笔记. 什么物质能悬浮在水中 菜刀老是生锈怎么办? 菜刀生锈了怎么办? 1立方厘米铜的质量为8.9克,如何只利用天平测量一块面积为10平方厘米的均匀铜片的厚度 1立方厘米铜的质量为8.9克,如何只利用天平测量一块面积为10平方厘米的均匀铜片的厚度 if you are thirsty drinking some water please改错 1立方厘米的铜为8.9克,如何利用天平测量一块面积为10立方厘米的均匀铜片的厚度? If you are thirsty,drinking some water.哪里错了 是drinking不应该加ing么 为什么 1立方厘米铜的质量为8.9克,如何只利用天平测量1块面积为10平方厘米的均匀铜片的厚 1立方厘米的铜为8.9克,如何利用天平测量一块面积为10立方厘米的均匀铜片的厚度?还没学过厚度1立方厘米的铜为8.9克,如何利用天平测量一块面积为10立方厘米的均匀铜片的厚度?是还没学过密 my blond hair I have black underneath the blond layer. They have brown hair and blue eyes,so maybe they are____ A.America B.American C.the USAD.the America 求详细的解答过程,如果很透彻,加100分,急~~~~~~~~ prefer doing to 加次氯酸钠,对水质的COD及氨氮的值有何影响? 次氯酸钠能增加处理好了的水的COD的吗?我污水厂新进了一些次氯酸钠溶液,用来给处理好的出水脱色,可是又怕加入到出水中,引起出水cod升高,不知怎么办?于是想问问专家们,此想法是否可行? What do you mean _________ saying that I’m lucky?A.at B.on C.by D.of原因? 将下列句子补充完整 生活是一本书( ),生活是( ),( ) these syudents like the school very much,their parens have come to china for business 用定语从句句型转换the teaching building looks nice .the building was put up last year一样 I like beijing very much very much提问 They go shopping in the evening.(改为一般疑问句) 连词成句1.ice,please,some,to,the,add,coffee 2.full,and ,room,of,the,balloons,is,flowers3.throught,can,car,go,gate,the4.we condition,good,should,in,keep,them