
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 09:56:23
Is that a white table先做否定回答再变成负数句子 They’re our pen friends变单数句子 只过了英语四级,两个月准备BEC中级过得了么?那么雅思6分的通过率大概有多少? What’s the name of the cat?是读升调还是降调疑问句什么情况读升调什么时候读降调 四级556,准备3个月考BEC中级可以吗?口语发音比较标准,流畅度很一般……阅读和写作还可以.请问努力3个月备考拿到A的可能性大吗? 尼罗河全长多少米? 六级该怎么复习备考我开学大二 大一六月份第一次考四级过了 基本是裸考 单词没好好背 也没认真夯实知识点 我现在又想过六级 我知道这很难 我不知该咋办 是先把四级知识夯实后再弄六 到底应该怎样复习备考大学英语六级? 人类真的会灭亡吗? 液压冲床与气动冲床哪个好 气动冲床的好处有哪些? We have work for you as a teacher.怎么翻译? 英语翻译english is too an important subject to you must learn it wellenglish is such an important subject that you must learn it wellenglish is so important that you must learn it well 英语翻译第一* Callback method to be invoked when scrolling started.* @param wheel ,the wheel view whose state has changed.*/第二* Callback method to be invoked when scrolling ended.* @param wheel the wheel view whose state has changed.*/ 英语翻译明天就要,(帮个忙) walk down the street 中文意思 政治考试题:当前我国经济社会发展中遇到的最主要的问题是什么? 人类就应该灭绝所有人都太万恶了 只有灭绝才能换得一个和谐的世界 老天把人类灭绝了吧 我不是狠个别人 是狠整个人族 放眼望去全是人渣 Why do you want a new job when you already have such a good one? If you are a good teacher,you can get the job .中get the job 能换成have this job么 get to的英式音标 get 的音标 get为什么它的音标是[get]? get nasty的音标 求初中的每门学科的英文名语数外政史地生,音乐,美术,体育,电脑(班会早自习晚自习) 把下面的句子换成祈使句.First,you think of a friend.Now,you can write your message.You must get up early every day.You can click on"Email". 将下列句子改为祈使句You can't eat in class.You can't be late for school.You can go home before six o'clock.You can't play basketball in the street.I can help you learn Chinese.We go there together.You must be quiet now.I 把下列句子转换成祈使句 to的音标怎么写 同意句转换:what's wrong with you? waht's ______ ______ you?是两空,每空一词. ( ) 36.I’m sorry to hear you’re ill.I hope you are ____ now.A.well B.fine C.good D.better 东方神起唱的Begin的罗马音标歌词.谁有这首歌的罗马音标歌词啊!、注意是罗马音标!、 你们不要发原版给我!、听见没! 《忘不了你的帮助》作文