
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 15:08:03
The little girl ———(热衷于)dancing横线上应该填什么? "It's generous of the little girl to share her toys with the other kids."本句中的"of"用法 The little girl doesn't fish____chincken. please come and _____(watch)the game 高分…求一个月过英语四级的经验!菜鸟务进如果谁教我过了,我把分全送他(她)! 5个月英语菜鸟怎么过英语四级 英语菜鸟 如何从一级水平在两三个月内提升到四级水平?英语菜鸟 如何从一级水平(自认为就是一二级的水平)在两三个月内提升到四级水平?我平均每天只能抽出两个小时左右,一般在下午 谁帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错误.Yesterday was Monday.Mary was time to on duty.When she was sweeping the floor.she found a watch on the floor .Then she picked up the watch and went to the teacher's office.Marytook out the watch to the 帮我看看这篇英语作文中的错误.Sunday,May 10.Today I have Spring Outing.At the 7:00 a.m..I went to the East Lake where far 30km away from home.When I got there,the time is 8:30 a.m..On the morning.I have row the small boats,and lunch in a 帮我看看这篇英语作文有什么错误I went to the playground and played basketball this morning.It was early.I was the only one in the playground.Later,a boy came.first,I saw he was not tall.I thought he was in a primary school.But at last,I 我有蛀牙,要不要补啊~···去年去洗牙的时候医生说我有两颗很小的蛀牙,说让我补.我回家跟我爸妈说,因为他们也有蛀牙,他们就不让我补,说医生会把我旁边好的牙齿给敲坏,最后坏的牙齿会 猫.翻译 《乞猫》翻译 请您帮我看看这篇英语作文有没有错误,谢谢. 我的猫非常可爱 翻译 说明文,要文具的5年级三单元作文 关于文具的说明文.400字左右, 当我们下辈子都变成猫的时候 Mary hopes that she can watch the baseball match one day.(同义句转换)Mary ( ) ( )watch the baseball match one day. the boy hopes that he can watch the sunset同义句 Could you record the football game for me?I can't watch ( ) later.A.it B.one C.this D.that 根据首字母补全单词is that your c() game his watch is in the l() and found case急需 小学说明文例文我汉基控股就 1.2.拾金不昧中的昧字是什么意思? 拾金不昧的"昧"字的意思 网络崩溃英语怎么说? 计算机崩溃 用英语怎么说? 翻译:猫比狗更可爱 吴老师两年前在中国银行存了一笔钱,若当时的年利率是2.25%今年到期时他取得的利息是1125元吴老师本金是?吴老师两年前在中国银行存了一笔钱,若当时的年利率是2.25%今年到期时他取得的利 崩溃的边缘用英语怎么说 分裂国家英语怎么说 翻译“狗大约比猫重5倍”