
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 03:36:08
No matter what happens,I will always love you want you to wait for you!意思 No matter what happens I Know You will always be there for me right? 类似主君的太阳的韩剧RT 最新好看的韩剧,除了听见你的声音和主君的太阳 with a population of 774000,it is one of the largest cities in the world that cannot be reached by water.怎么翻译? the bad news is that a third of the world' s population. that 引导的是什么从句?同位语?the bad news is that a third of the world' s population is already short of water. At the b___of the 2010s.the population of the world will pass six billion ___will be the population of the world in the year 2020?A.How many B.What 我选的是A,是错误的.为什么错?答案B为什么是对的? 求学霸解答选择题,谢谢. -Does your brother have a good habits?-Yes ,he likes ( ) sports and ( ) well .选择填空 A .to palys ;having B.piaying;have C.palying;eats D.paly ;eat 速 童鞋们 my brother ( )Sports World,( )my sister likes ( )填空 "Is he your brother?的回答是Yes,it is.还是Yes,he is?如何区别? 英语中都有哪些经典常用句型啊?能给我列举一些吗?最好有例子和中文翻译,本人刚学英语,很有兴趣, She is staying at home .But she doesn't feel . 【急】由t,r,a,m能组成什么单词?由t,r,a,m能组成什么单词?tram除外. r a t e m t能组成什么单词 a r s t m 组成单词看图,根据图意把所给字母组成单词. a r s t m能组成什么单词 模仿例句,写句子例:我是大地的女儿,冬天把我孕育,春天把我降生,夏天把我抚养,秋天催我入眠. 三年级语文上册怎么找第6课 某不纯铁片可能含有Mg、Al、Cu等金属杂质,取这种铁片5.6g与足量盐酸反应得到0.2gH2.则该铁片中()A:一定不含杂质 B:一定含有金属铝 C:一定含有金属铜 D:不可以同时含有四种金属 向一定量的feo fe fe3o4的混合物中加入100mL1.5mol•L-1的盐酸,使混合物完全溶解,放出224ml气体,再向反应后的溶液中加入1mol/LNaOH溶液,要使铁元素完全沉淀下来,所加入NaOH溶液的体积最少为( ) A We believed that Mary ____ take the money at that time ,though she was poor .A.won't B.wouldn't C.isn't going to D.will ,为什么? 仿照例句内容和格式造句例句:随不养鸟,每天早晨有鸟语盈耳我的头脑太简单,thanks是虽不养鸟。楼下那个童字不会请别捣乱。 仿照例句的格式造句.例句:海上的夜是柔和的,是静寂的,是梦幻的.初秋的早晨是___________________________. m、r、r、r、i、o能组成什么单词 "o,r,m,a,j”能组成什么单词,其中文是什么? 帮忙解一道化学题由Na2SO4,Na2SO3和Na2S三种物质组成的混合物中,含氧元素的质量分数为22%,则其中钠元素的质量分数为?谢谢了,很急 不锈钢产品的表面电镀和化学处理问题?请问不锈钢制品如不锈钢刀,门把手等表面那么光亮,是电镀铬还是化学处理?另外如游标卡尺的表面是电镀硬铬吗?万分感激不锈钢本色有点偏白的,直 英语翻译Can you tell me where ……is?Can you tell me which the way to ……is? 我们学校没有操场.(翻译为英文) 句式:We _________________________________. 小学英语文章(越多越好),并将生词和句型列出来(全部带翻译)