
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 04:22:04
正方形的面积一定,他和边长成什么关系 推敲本来的意思是,后来指什么 YOU'RE ALWAYS IN MY 这句话有没有语法错误 in my dream i see you and thought about the sky in my life.后面记不得了 有人知道是那首歌吗还有一首是一个女声唱的其中有一句是 and you are my way i always see you in my dream nearly 这句话的准确意思哪位大神知道? 汉语中两个声母相同的音节组成的词,汉语中两个韵母相同的音节组成的词快 “鹿”字的声母是?音节是? 推敲是什么意思? 有关毛泽东的文章或小说题目是《 》,主要写了_______________________________ you marry to me 翻译成汉语哈 marry me的中文意思 Jim along with his mother ____(go) to school by bike everyday.填goes 还是go? 第五题,六题, He goes to school with his friend.(对划线部分提问)画线的是his friend速度,速度,5分钟之内回答的加十分,并且要非常满意的。 寻MV 关于 that is the girl who I want to find for a long time那种感觉 英语 There is _______everything to such as a silly person.A.not need to explain B.no need to explain C.no need explaining D.not need explainingA不可以? I am not a heavy drinker,but I like the _____ glass of wine.A.light B.occasional C.frequent D.rare 答案是occasional 为什么不能选light -what would you like to drink,madam?-can I have a glass of white wine?判断题,是对还是错? —what would you say to a glass of wine?—( )A.Cheers.B.Good idea.C.Many thanks.D.Never mind.第一个问句不太能够理解..... Today she is remembered as a GRE by scientist.But she is also remembered for her determination andand courage。 《登高》中表现诗人忧国忧民情怀的诗句是? 正方形的边长和面积成不成正比例 已知圆C:x平方+(y-1)平方=5,直线l:mx-y+1-m=0已知⊙C:x²+(y-1)²=5,直线l:mx-y+1-m=0.(1)求证:对m∈R,直线l与圆C总有两个不同的交点A、B;(2)求弦AB中点M的轨迹方程,并说明其轨迹是什么曲线? 一.填空 1.I need ______(finish)my homework 2.She is famous _______a writer 已知圆C:x的平方+(y-1)的平方=5和直线l:mx-y+1=0(1)求证:对任意实数m属于R,直线l和圆c中有两个不同的交点(2)设直线l与圆c交与A,B两点,若AB的绝对值=根号17,求直线l的斜率 已知圆C:x的平方+(y-1)的平方=5,直线l:mx-y+1-m=0 求直线的恒过定点 《春望》中塑造忧国忧民诗人形象的诗句 春望中正面描写忧国忧民的句子和侧面描写忧国忧民的句子 glass of wine 写语法 英语翻译如题 There _______some writing paper on my desk.A is B are C am D were 要400字左右!