
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 22:13:07
烟花易冷,人事易分的英文怎么写? 写出would you like to.句型的肯定回答方式几两种否定回答方式 边塞军旅生活的古诗快 I will wait for you until you Our English teacher always go to work by bus.为什么go不用第三人称单数加es,还有My English teacher always go to work by bus.go一样不加es,为什么 英语 help me1.这附近有警察局吗?Is there a police station ( )( )( Help me 这次月考 我首次跌破最低英语测试记录 才考了120分(150满分) 我好烦啊 我们英语老师完全就是没得用 讲的是个啥子嘛 我们班没人能听懂 还要讲错 还不承认 俄 我们班英语成绩好的 哪个英语高手,help me!Everyone usually have a good time in the zoo.(有一处错误、请改正)划线的单词是:have time zoo . 英语!有关英语的,help me .我想弄一些能边听边看的英语文件放在手机上使用.类似VOA这些都可以,但是文字部分无法像歌词一样边放边读.可否告知我到哪可以弄得到文章跟音频相关联的英语文 Our Chinese teacher can speak (Japanese),就括号内提问,Our Chinese teacher can speak (Japanese).就括号内提问_____ _____ ______ your Chineseteacher speak? Our English teacher always encourages us _______ English as much as possible?Our English teacher always encourages us _______ English as much as possible  A.talking B.to speak C.to say D.speaking Our English teacher always says English is very important and encourages us -----hardA tostudy B study C studying D would you mind 对打括号部分提问:Our Chinese teacher can speak (Japanese). help me!写出下列单词的词性,如:crop(n)mausoleum produce slammend product slipmile project speakermind properly spreadmountain pround starmovement provide suggestionnatural racket sunfloweroffer reception terribly oxygen reduce tonguepa 急需啊~~~ 英语问题. help me!一、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空.When I was (have)dinner,Mr Smith came to my house.My mother is (read)magazines in her room.I have (be) to that place three times this The same age as me 中文翻译是什么阿. 英语翻译我为什么留长发和你留短发道理是一样的(只要大致这个意思就成)如果说她有长头发 has long hair (hair用加‘s’么) See you,i will wait you come back and you will see me change这句话有没有语法错误 as same as和the same as的区别 我说的是 I will wait for your come back有人给我回了Etc who come Etc who come back什么 the same as是什么上课时老师讲的 the same as .还可以用 the same.as,有什么区别吗?以第一人城为例 as 后面用 me、i、mine、还是i am?最好用简单的句例说明. 宋人或得玉,献诸子罕.子罕弗受.献玉者曰:“以示玉人,玉人以为宝也,故敢献之.”子罕曰:“我以不贪宝,尔以玉为宝.若以与我,皆丧宝也.不若人有其宝.”子罕弗受.弗()“以玉示人”一句 用现代文改编‘画蛇添足’这个故事. English,help me k is the book ___or___?A.your,her B.yours,her C.yours,hers D.your,hers 对于外国人的赞美,我不认同时,应该怎么回答.有个美国人,他无意去了我的博客,看了我的照片后,一直都说我很漂亮,可是,我很平凡,我怎么也不觉得自己漂亮.这时,对于他的赞美,我应该怎么婉 如何应付老外对自己的赞扬?如果老外对自己说:Oh!Your English is good.如何应付?有多少种方式? 我想赞一个外国人,他画的画很漂亮,怎样说地道? 外国人怎样赞美红酒 用现代文改编《画蛇添足》这个故事.最少100字.用现代故事来说.只要有画蛇添足的意思就行. 外国人对中国造纸术的赞扬赞扬……………… “迎奥运、讲文明、树新风”的演讲稿怎么写?3Q