
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 13:57:03
make是什么意思 What did yuo go to last night? He was dragging a pig to the market last night的意思 go to bed ,last night 名词性物主代词可以做主语吗比如hers is better,his is good是不是等于形容词物主代词+名词做主语那疑问句是is hers..... 创造的反义词 求求你们啦, my butt my hurt was burned是什么意思 Still single Still single why are you going to the market 改为同义句什么are you going to the market什么? we are going to build another gym in Hai Dian district very soon.的被动句是什么 英语翻译请问 伍子胥 用威妥玛拼音怎么翻译啊,我查了下是 wu tzu hsu但是,我想翻译出来让人能够很好读出,比如 taiji 对应 taichi 这样的,可否帮我一下,明天就要用到的 兖州孔子学府教育质量怎么样? 兖州孔子学府还办初中小学吗兖州孔子学府听说要整编,希望知道的人透个风, 我国古代元朝时期攻打欧洲刚才上网看盗墓小说,发现一个名叫黑金的战刀,本以为是虚构,可后来上百度一搜原来历史上确有此物,当年元朝一个将领在进攻欧洲时用的它(大家可以在百度上输 I hope we shall come to a compromise是什么意思? break my windon是什么意思 Did people watch their dogs to predict the weather in the past? 英语翻译是al jazeera 的广告词 “You can suck my balls." DON'T MAKE EXCUSES是什么意思 making excuses for his dodgy holiday 这是mika的歌曲里面的一句歌词那这句话怎么翻译呢? 班超投笔从军 also most europeans will open door for a woman or o___their seats to a womanand s__will most americans I don't like living in the present,My life is I think recycling books and paper is really easy.这句话中为什么用is i的主语代词 翻译:Oxford Street is famous all over the world for its splendid shops. 英语翻译From May 2000 to May 2008 she was Vice Mayor for London for creative industries,culture and tourism,setting policy and establishing priorities for London in these fields.本句话中establishing priorities如何理解 Yes,but remember to brush your teeth before you go to bed , may not 是"可能不"还是"不可能" may not有没有“不可以”的意思?比如说We may not swim in that river