
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 03:58:30
以前用过晕车贴和晕车药,没什么效果,求最有效的防晕车办法!我严重晕车贴,上次就感觉不爽,在车上呆不到20分钟就眩晕,呕吐;我以前也用过晕车贴,也吃过晕车药,可是没什么效果,求最有效 有一只玻璃瓶,它的质量为0.1kg,当瓶内装满水时,瓶和水的总质量为0.4kg,用此瓶装金属颗粒若干,瓶和金属颗粒的总质量为0.8kg,若在装金属颗粒的瓶中再装满水时,瓶.金属颗粒和水的总质量为0.9kg 总经理的英文怎么说如题 初二下学期物理题,求过程和答案(又快又好可另加分)如图所示,电源电压不变,开关S闭合时电压表示数为6V,开关S断开时电压表示数为2V.求R1:R2 小小的天有大大的梦想用英文怎么说 用英语怎么表示总裁,玛莎拉蒂的总裁呢? 英语5道选择题,谢谢 我们应该每天收拾这些房间!用英语怎么说? Tom did what he could ____ the girl in the river.A.save B.saved C.to save D.saving ①Mother asked Jack to do more sports_____ he joined the basketball team.A.because B.so that C.so②He's finished his work _____ he can go out to play.A.so B.so that C.in order to 特别助理的英文怎么写 助理和经理的英语是什么,急 每个人都为明天而努力``你也要加油!``翻译成英文是``? Some sentences in the following are sentence fragments.Correct them.1.Gathering speed with enormous force.The plane was suddenly in the air.Then it began to climb sharply.And several minutes later started to level off.2.The officer came to the alley 女人并不靠男人生活英语怎么说 生活就是这样让人疲惫 相信你加油英语怎么说 每个人都有他自己的生活方式用英语怎么说 大多数人的生活方式与我相同.用英语怎么说 孩子多大年龄学英语最合适 孩子什么年龄学英语好? -Mum,I think I'm __________ to get back to school.-Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for another day or two.A.enough well B.good enough C.well enough我在纠结到底是B还是C 累 怎么读 英文 累了英语怎么读 很累很累英文怎么说 我很累 但很快乐 英语咋念 感到很累!英语怎么读? “直板”、“横板”、“厚度”、“重量”、“攻击型”、”弧旋型“ 的英文缩写分别是什么 ,知道的请在下边注明, The girl was last seen ____by the rive.A.to play B.Playing C.Played D.to be playing 要讲出原因1.They look different.(用same改为选择疑问句)______ they look different _____ ______ ______2.a memberof翻译中文3.改错(1)My brother is very taller in his class.__________A B C D(2) His brother has many books than him. “因为每个人都机械的生活着,就像机器人” 用英语怎么说? 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘用英语怎么说 给个理由-Is there____ in today's newspaper?-Nothing.A.important something B.anything importantC.something important D.important anything必须给个理由 为什么选那个